Respect Thy Authority

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POV Child Kirk Kear:
"Mommy! I wanna go to the fair!" I said to my mother.
"Ok darling. Let's go." My mother said.
(POV ended)
Once they got to the fair, Kirk Kear saw the most beautiful girl. His heart throbs in utter disbelief of how beautiful the being before him was. My lord, was that girl drop dead gorgeous!! He just had to go up to her, scaring his mother out of her mind "Where are you going, Kirk?!" His mother exclaimed as he ran away into a cloud of dust. Wait. Where'd she go? Kirk Kear was mortified. Had the stunning lady been an illusion? Had he left his mother for nothing? He stops, realizing the consequence of his own actions. His mother ran after him, choking on dust trying to find his hand.
"Well, well, well... if it isn't Kirk Kear... the future principal of Canyon Junior High..." a voice said in the distance. It was girl with countless bald spots and her hair confidently dressed in a ponytail. "You've ruined my life, so I must end yours early."  The witch said.
"Who are you?!" Kirky Keary says.
"I am your greatest nightmare, Liliana Whisenhunt."
That was the day he had lost the one he loved, and his mother. Liliana Whisenhunt had stolen his happiness.

Kirk Kear x Mika OstlerWhere stories live. Discover now