Backlash on heroes

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" Oh good, we can finally all see each other." Fumi sighed out in relief as she ushered Todoroki and his brother through the doorway of the hospital room. Endeavor was crying with his head in his hands as the door closed behind them.

Cassie stood awkwardly next to the door watching the family make their way over to the man's bedside, wondering why the hell they had brought her with them. " I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Endeavor whispered to his family who were glancing at each other in concern. Well technically only two out of three seemed to give a shit, Fumi and Todoroki looked mildly concerned, however their brother Natsuo looked unimpressed by their dad's theatrics and Cassie honestly had to agree with the man though she kept her opinion quiet.

" My guilt... My heart.." the man sobbed looking at the window to see the mob of angry civilians outside protesting the hero's failure. " What about my heart?'' a voice rang out through the mostly quiet room and Endeavor's head snapped up and to the door where Cassie stood, now next to Todoroki's mom awkwardly doing jazz hands in the woman's direction.

The white haired woman nodded in Cassie's direction before making her way next to her children. " Rei why are you here?'' Endeavor asked, his voice trembling notably as his emotions were still getting the jump on him.

" I came to talk." Rei stated her tone low and measured " About our son... about Toya." the woman added after a second of silence. Cassie quietly decided to tune out the conversation, still not feeling like her presence in the room was necessary.

She watched, staring in wonder at the blue flowers in Rei's hand. " We'll make you stand up even if your heart is now broken." the woman stated confidently holding the flowers out to Endeavor. " Only you can stand a chance against Dabi." Endeavor nodded his head quietly, staring at his family in awe.

" Shoto had all the reasons to hate me, but he still called me mom." Rei explained glancing over at her son fondly. " He made friends at U.A and even found himself a wonderful girlfriend." Now she was looking at Cassie who jolted upright, smiling sheepishly at her boyfriend's mom who nodded at her a small smile on her lips.

Cassie glanced at the flowers again figuring that after all they had been through it was the least she could do to try and brighten the somber mood. So she focused her energy on the three delicate flowers and closed her eyes.

When she opened them again dozens upon dozens of blue flowers littered the room, the girl glanced at Rei and Todoroki's family who were looking around the room in stunned silence. Todoroki made his way over to the elf-like girl and pulled her gently to his side, turning back to his father.

" stand back up if you've finished crying, We'll stop Toya together." the teen extended his hand to his father who took it hesitantly looking over at Cassie wondering if she were going to say anything or just stand there glaring at him.

The girl in question looked at the ground shuffling her feet from side to side thinking of what to say. " Get your old ass up and take that bastard down, the best thing you can do now is support and protect the family you have. Your fight isn't over yet." Cassie grumbled and for only a moment when Cassie made eye contact with Endeavor she thought she saw the flicker of a tiny smile on his lips.

" As hostile as ever Fox." the man commented and in retaliation Cassie flipped him off, however she was smiling softly. Once things had settled down the door to the room opened again revealing Best Jeanist and Hawks, the ladder of which waved in place of a greeting as he was still recovering from his fight against Dabi.

Cassie rested her body against Todoroki's chest and he let out a breath of air wrapping his arms around her waist gently. The next hour was spent discussing the events of the raid. After a lot of persuasion and even some homemade cookies from Fumi, Cassie finally was able to re-explain her fight against Amun Ra and how he had died.

It was a long but somehow not very eventful day but honestly that was a solid win for everyone who participated in the raid because after all they had been put through they needed a break. Cassie in particular was taking full advantage of school being canceled to spend time with her classmates and Ray.

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