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"Alright, that's time, but I want three pages on Dementors Monday morning!" The professor shouted over the scraping of desks as everyone rushed for the doorway, excited to begin their weekends. "Specifically their history with the Ministry and Azkaban as well as defenses and afflictions!"

"God, it felt like there was a Dementor in there, didn't it?" Mary shivered, leading the girls out from the admittedly freezing classroom.

"They should just start calling it Dark Arts at this point, it's always so depressing." Marlene agreed, linking an arm through Mary's.

"They're just trying to prepare us..." Lily sighed, "You know, everyone's talking about it now. The war, the disappearances, the-" She trailed off, the four girls slowing as a thick white fog drifted through the hall, students stopping, frozen in their tracks. They had just left the lesson on Dementors, about the fog that always accompanies them, filling whichever villages they were inhabiting.

Charlotte's attention was caught by a snicker a few feet into the smokey hallway, a sharp hush followed it. She stepped forward until she could see them. Three Slytherin, matching green ties loosened around their necks, the familiar dark-greasy hair in the center, fog pouring from the tip of his wand.

"Severus." Lily snapped, marching towards the three boys with her wand raised. The smoke before her began to clear at once, the Slytherin falling into view clearly now, twisted smiles lighting up the two boys on either side of Snape, who was looking up to the red-head with wide eyes, no laughter on his face. "Get rid of all of this, now. Or it'll be detention for the three of you."

"I'm quaking in my boots." The shorter haired brunette beside Snape sneered, the blonde chuckling loudly.

"Get lost, mudblood, or you'll regret it." The blonde was standing now, towering a few inches above Lily as Snape stood too, shooting a panicked expression between Lily and his house-mates.

"Oi!" Marlene shouted, the three Gryffindor's hurried to Lily's side at once. Charlotte glanced over to her roommate's face, green eyes bright and latched onto Snape's dark ones. She shook her head after a moment and spun on her heel. Disappearing into the already fading fog as Mary hurried after her, shooting a glare back towards the Slytherin as they laughed.

"Well done, Snape." Marlene tugged on Charlotte's hand to follow their friends. "You really know how to get the girl."

"Severus has no interest in a filthy mudblood like Evans." The brown haired boy spat back, Charlotte slowing, letting Marlene gain a few steps ahead of her. She turned back, both of the boys were glaring down at Snape who's eyes were now stuck to the floor.

"She'd still be your friend if you weren't such a coward." Charlotte called back, Snape's eyes flashing to hers. "Maybe more than that if you didn't hang out with this lot. You're all pathetic, and I can't wait until the day you realize you wasted all these years trying to impress these-" The blonde next to Snape had merely twitched the wand in his hand towards Charlotte when her words cut off. Her tongue flew to the roof of her mouth where she was unable to move it, taking in a deep breath through her nose as her eyes widened.

"Char?" Marlene was back at her side, eyes scanning between the Slytherin boys who were once again snickering, Snape's face still twisted into a snarl. "Come on, let's go upstairs..."

Charlotte's hands flew to her mouth, attempting to speak again though no words would come out. She could feel her heart rate pick up, taking a few steps away from the boys with Marlene before they heard the new voices.

written in the stars | sirius black | remus lupinWhere stories live. Discover now