Chapter Two- It's Raining, It's Pouring

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Yipee the second chapter is finally done! Sorry it took so long, but I was busy writing some other fics and didn't quite anticipate people to like this as much as they did

There are quite a few trigger warnings to this chapter since this is when the dark sbi comes into play, so be cautious of the following: possessive behavior, mentions of child abuse, unhealthy relationships, kidnapping, manipulation, and spell-casting so that tommy will listen to them

Enjoy <3


"What the FUCK have you done?" came a distant scream.

The source was his sister, who currently stood across the room, looking at him with an incomprehensible anger brewing in her eyes. It swirled and mixed together with the purple of her iris, bright red dominating the beautiful violet.

Tommy took a step back, holding his hands up in surrender. "I'm sorry- I'm sorry- I didn't mean to! I swear I didn't-"

"No. Don't lie to me Tommy, you fucking piece of shit," she spat, stepping closer to her. Tommy could hear footsteps running down the stairs, the thud pounding into his mind like the worst migraine possible. "You did it on purpose! You're just jealous of me so you think you can take what isn't yours. Just because I'm a real witch and you're nothing but a THIEF!"

"I...but Mom said it was normal! I can't control it!"

His sister laughed, the sound almost hysterical in her rage. "Oh, it's normal all right, Tom. But not to almost kill me!"

Tears filled his eyes. "I didn't...I didn't mean to, I swear-"

"Tell that to Dad," she hissed, stalking forward.

It didn't take long until she was standing right in front of him, ignoring the fresh tears tracing down his face. Her eyes were almost entirely covered by red, specs of purple pulsing and disappearing with her every breath.

"I'm sorry," Tommy pleaded one final time.

She laughed, though there was no humor in her tone. "You aren't, really."

Tommy flinched. "But I-"

He didn't have time to react before she raised her hand and backhanded him across the face.


Tommy awoke with a sudden shaking, hands grasping his shoulders and a finger snapping in front of his face.

"-ommy? Tommy? Wake up!"

He shuddered, blinking rapidly as he adjusted to a bright light of a foreign room. The shaking seemed to have jostled his mind, making it unable to take in any of his surroundings aside from the light that perceived his eyes.

The first thing he recognized was the feeling of soft blankets wrapped around him, a temporary reprieve from the cold air that seemed to fall around his face. But no- that was just his dried tears.

Though there was something contrastingly cold and heavy around his ankle.

Distantly, there was a sharp sigh of relief, sounding faintly familiar.

"Thank Exdii," came a whisper, the hand on his shoulder relaxing from the harsh grip it had previously had. It gently rubbed the skin in apology, ignoring Tommy's hazy attempts to shrug it off, a small part of him wanting to lean into the touch that he ignored.

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