ACT THREE - snapping out of the bubble

448 19 6

YEARS of 2018 & 2019 - End of filming
age: 18


[Bags - Clairo]
Can you see me?
I'm waiting for the right time
I can't read you, but if you want, the pleasure's all mine
Can you see me using everything to hold back
I guess this could be worse
Walkin' out the door with your bags


"You don't wait okay? You just go ahead and live your life."
-Eliana Martin, a text sent to her best friend

ACT THREE! out of four
can't believe we're already this far with this story, I'm writing a few chapters this weekend so expect new ones this week!

Tell me what you want to see
for their final days of filming !


one of them - j.flattersWhere stories live. Discover now