Chapter 72

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The answer is naturally no.

Except for the first time he met him after saving Nangong Ye who was blind due to an accident, he asked himself that he hadn't done anything special to him. Only in this life did he meet Nangong Ye?

Tightening his hands, he raised his head and saw Nangong Ye staring straight at him with a hint of dissatisfaction, as if he was protesting against his distraction, a little funny at his childish behavior, Wen Zisheng shook back lightly Touching his hand, "Sorry, I was distracted by something."

Nangong Ye didn't answer, but from his slightly frowning, it could be seen that he was waiting for his next words. Just now Wen Zisheng had the nerve to tell him what was in his heart, so he made an excuse, "Tian Wanxin, do you remember? She married into the Sun Mansion a few months ago." Nangong Ye vaguely remembered that there was such a person, and

slightly nodded.

Only then did Wen Zisheng continue: "Not long ago, an accident happened on the way out of Beijing. I fell off a cliff and died. I just went to the Sun's residence in the morning, and I lost my face." Nangong Ye paused and looked at Wen

Zi Sheng, "Is there something hidden?" His tone was affirmative.

Wen Zisheng was not surprised that he could guess it, and he never thought of hiding it from him, besides, Zhu Qing was still his subordinate, so he said, "That's a substitute." He told him everything exactly.

After hearing this, Nangong Ye didn't react at all, he didn't care about other people's affairs at all, he only cared about the people he cared about, "You don't like her?" "

I hate her." Wen Zisheng's voice was flat, and the next moment, A flash of annoyance flashed in his heart, the words were completely blurted out just now, and he had already said them before he could react. But after thinking about it, it seemed that it didn't matter if Nangong Ye knew about it.

"Why did you give her the antidote back then?" Nangong Ye's tone was equally indifferent, as if he was just expressing his doubts.

Wen Zisheng smiled slightly, and said: "Just letting her sleep peacefully like that, it's hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart." With a light tone, even with a hint of a smile, Nangongye turned to look at him, not saying anything. say what.

On the contrary, after Wen Zisheng noticed his gaze, he also turned his head to look at him, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, "Do you think I'm too unfeeling? After all, she..." It was always my cousin.

But Nangong Ye didn't intend to let him finish talking, took his hand, and said lightly: "You are you." His

anxious heart instantly settled down, Wen Zisheng stared at his side face, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth I can't count how many times I was moved slowly in my heart.

Then I heard Nangong Ye say in a serious manner: "If you don't like it, it's not good."

Wen Zisheng let out a "puchi" laugh, and suddenly got bad intentions in his heart, saying: "Then if I don't like you, You are not good either?"

Nangong Ye frowned, then relaxed it again, and said lightly: "You like me."

The smile on the corner of Wen Zisheng's mouth deepened, watching the other party say this with a blank face Words similar to narcissism, it is really impossible to control the curvature of the corners of the mouth.

While talking, the two had already returned to the hall, and from time to time they could see busy people moving up and down. Wen Zisheng looked around for a while, but before he could ask any questions, Nangong Ye took the initiative to answer his questions this time, "The man gave I have a house that is just two streets away from the Prime Minister's Mansion, and I will move there soon."

Listening to Wen Zisheng, for some reason, he always felt that when he said, "It's just two streets away from the Prime Minister's Mansion" , the voice seemed to be a little lighter, and when he turned his head to look at the other party, it was still an ordinary face with no expression.

"For your military exploits this time, the Holy Majesty will naturally reward you greatly. Apart from the mansion, what else has the Holy Majesty rewarded you?"

He asked casually, his eyes scanned the somewhat old mansion, feeling a little bit sad in his heart, the last time he fell into the water and was injured, he had been recuperating here for a long time, unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the owner here They're all about to move.

Wen Zisheng asked casually, but Nangongye thought for a long time before answering: "The man made me Lord Yao." As for other gold and silver, there is no need to mention it.

Lord Yao?

Wen Zisheng's heart moved, and he turned to look at Nangong Ye. The other party always had an expressionless face. Of course, it might be because of wearing a mask. He could guess the things he heard, but he didn't believe he would. Unexpected.

"Your father seems to be called Nangong Yao? Is your majesty missing Nangong Yao?" It's really a long-lasting love. After such a long time, I still can't let it go.

But obviously Nangong Ye didn't think like him, he nodded slightly, his expression was indifferent, and his words were equally indifferent, "It's meaningless." It was indeed meaningless


Wen Zisheng thought, no matter how much he misses her, Nangong Yao can't come back from the dead. It's really meaningless to not cherish it when she has it, and to express her miss in this way after she loses it.

The dinner was prepared long ago, and they were waiting for Wen Zisheng to come over. After the two of them had a simple meal, the sky had already completely darkened. Naturally, it was impossible for Nangong Ye to let him go back at this time. The road conditions at night were not good. Safe, he couldn't rest assured.

In fact, this place is quite far from Wen's residence, and it's a little troublesome for the two of them to go back and forth every time. Nangong Ye has lightness kung fu, and it takes only a stick of incense to go back and forth, but Wen Zisheng doesn't understand martial arts at all, so he can only do it every time he comes over. He staggered over in the carriage, wasting more time on the road back and forth than the time the two met.

So Nangong Ye was the one who usually went to find Wen Zisheng. Fortunately, he was going to move to the Imperial Capital soon. Wen's Mansion was only two streets away from Yao Wang's Mansion, which was very convenient.

Nangong Ye knew that Wen Zisheng liked to be clean, so after taking a walk with him after dinner, he asked his servants to go to the hot spring room to make preparations. After Wen Zisheng finished his walk, everything in the hot spring room was ready. They went to the hot spring room together.

It is said to be a hot spring room, but it is not natural, but I don't know what technology was used to introduce the nearby mountain spring, and then the spring water was heated and flowed into the pool through a special process. The round pool is surrounded by light green jade stones. It feels smooth and warm, very comfortable.

When recuperating here before, Wen Zisheng often came here to take a bath, but usually he came here alone. It was the first time he came here accompanied by Nangong Ye like today.

He looked at Nangongye with some enthusiasm, "Do you want to take a bath too?"

Nangongye's answer was to close the door of the hot spring room directly, and the smoke was shrouded in it. It seemed that they couldn't even see each other's expressions clearly. Wen Zisheng watched helplessly. Seeing Nangong Ye walking towards him, his expressionless face was still bright and upright, on the contrary, he seemed a little awkward.

But Wen Zisheng, who has never tried to expose his body in front of others, still can't adapt to being in the same room with others to take a bath, even if the other party is also a man like him, what's more, the other party seems to want to take off all the disguise on his body Plan to lose.

He watched Nangong Ye take out a somewhat familiar small bottle from his arms, walked to the wooden shelf beside him, poured the medicinal powder into the washbasin on the wooden shelf, and suddenly said, "How about you wash it first?" , I can come back later."

Nangong Ye raised his head and looked at him suspiciously, his indifferent eyes filled with puzzlement, "You don't want to come with me?"

Looking at the other party's candid appearance, Wen Zisheng felt embarrassed that he didn't know how to explain it. From Nangong Ye's reaction, it can be known that in his opinion, it is absolutely nothing for two people to take a bath together, at most they have a better relationship.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just, it's just——" The temperature in this room must be too high, otherwise why does he feel that his face seems to be getting hotter and hotter?"——I'm not used to bathing and bathing with others "

The Wen Zisheng that Nangong Ye saw was always calm and gentle, how had he ever seen him so flustered? He even stuttered a little when he spoke, and couldn't help being a little curious, and subconsciously walked towards him, but saw the other party subconsciously backed away when he realized that he was approaching.

He stopped all of a sudden and looked at him with a sinking face, "You said you don't like me, is that true?" There was a hint of grievance in his voice.

It took Wen Zisheng a while to react. He couldn't help laughing because of the joke he said just now, "If I don't like you, you're not good".

"Where do you want to go? How could I not like you?" "

Then why don't you want to be with me?" I'm used to bathing with others."

Nangong Ye pursed his lips and stared at him without saying a word, his dark eyes seemed a little blurry in the smoky room, and he stood upright at the door, completely careless. Get out of the way.

Seeing him like that, Wen Zisheng could only sigh softly in his heart, forget it, who made himself bigger than the other party? He should be allowed to, although in terms of age, Nangong Ye is still a year older than himself, he is already fifteen years old this year, and he is still a god-like figure in the entire Daqing Kingdom.

But at least I have lived two lives. If I really want to count it, I am naturally much older than him.

So in the end, Wen Zisheng still couldn't hold back Nangong Ye, and agreed to take a bath together. The pool is well repaired, even if it can accommodate five or six people, there is no pressure, let alone just two and a half children.

Nangong Ye has completely removed the disguise, revealing his real appearance. Even though it was not the first time he saw it, Wen Zisheng still couldn't take his eyes off for a moment. Dusty atmosphere.

Nangong Ye calmly began to take off his clothes. The clothes on his body were reduced one by one, and finally stopped when only the underwear was left. Turning his head, he found that Wen Zisheng was still fully clothed and standing there, looking sideways. Looking at himself, his eyes fell in front of him, and he didn't know what he was looking at.

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