Chapter v

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//pls read the note at the end, it's important!//

" here's the thing. I'll explain this the easy way. I studied the case last night. And we don't have a way out." Louis declared like what he just told the guys is nothing.

"What?! Are you fucking with me?!" Zayn hissed glaring at Louis.

"Zayn, for the fucking last time, calm the fuck down!" Liam shouted all of a sudden making the silence inside the room grew. Shutting them up cuz they knew Liam doesn't usually cuss around.

It's very early in the morning when they decided to meet and have a talk about what they're gonna do. Louis started with rereading the letter and case alleged to them, and laws and stuff, what to do and what not, but they just all end up yelling at each other. Cuss thrown everywhere. They decided not to take a paternity test like their lawyer suggested cuz none of them wants to know who the actual father is among them, nobody wants to take full responsibility and suffer alone. They all caused this after all. And besides, no matter how much they deny it, they knew for a fact that Harry wasn't the type of kid to go whoring around and get himself pregnant. They knew one of them is the father.

And on the deepest, bottomest, innerest (if there's such words) part of their hearts. They actually want Harry as a lover. But they will never in a million years admit that. Ever.

Niall coughed awkwardly gaining the attention of the other three, they all looked at him expecting him to say something.

"Okay, I'm irritated cuz I'm literally starving right now and all you do is practically yell at each other." He calmly said.

"Well Niall Horan, do you have any better idea cuz now would be the right time." Liam said sarcastically through gritted teeth.

"For starters, why don't WE all calm down, especially YOU!" he said as he pointed a finger at Zayn earning a simple huff from him. "Secondly, I don't wanna go to prison. Allegation aside, we can fire back a case -Yes, we've got chances to turn the table around. We could abnegate the rape accusation cuz we didn't. Harry was compliant back then and there are no witnesses. BUT, we won't be able to bypass the 'act of paedophile' case."

"What are you suggesting Niall?" Louis skeptically asked raising a brow at him.

"That we take Harry in."

"What?" Zayn hissed again looking at Niall with a 'have-you-lost-your-mind' look.

"Just listen first," he continues as he looked at his mates motioning them to listen to his explanation. "Our reputation will be ruined, our family, our businesses, our names." He counted on his fingers each thing they'll loss if the case goes viral or out of their control which is most likely will happen. "We'll just have to take him in like a proper housewife..."

"You're suggesting US to settle down? Have you gone nuts?" Liam interrupted.

"No one has to settle down. It's not marriage," he clarifies before continuing "We'll just all live in the same house, take care of his pregnancy, assure his Dad that we love him and we're free birds. He's fourteen and naïve. He'll just have to stay inside the house -homeschooled and abundant. Nobody outside our family has to know about him. We'll keep him secret and sealed."

"Then?" Louis asked still thinking that this might just be a bad idea.

Niall smirked "We'll make his life a living hell!"

** ** ** ** ** **

"Daddy?" Harry called rubbing his eyes as he yawn. His other hand was still clutching tight around the white big teddy bear Elena had bought for him as a welcoming present.

His dad on the chair beside the bed watching him intently like Harry's gonna disappear even if he just blink.

"Yes Harrypie!" Des smiled down at his son.

Harry pouted for the nickname his father had given him but still returned the smile "were you watching me sleep?"


"That's creepy Dad!" Harry laughed showing his dimples. And his father just chuckled with him cuz it's been long since he last saw his son laughed and it's like a music to his ears. Harry's laugh is just like his mother's laugh and Des will do anything to keep hearing that laugh.


Des looked at him as Harry's face became worried from merry in a matter of second.

"I want to know what they're gonna say." He continued.

"Harry..." Des started sternly, he was gonna say that he will handle everything and no need for him to worry and that what they say for the matter is not important. He can take care of his son and his pregnancy. They're not needed in Harry's life but Harry interrupted him.

"Dad please." He pleaded almost pathetically, he knows he's making his father mad but he really wants to meet them again. He wants to know if they really just used him or they actually like him. Or why did they leave without saying goodbye.

It's pathetic but he wants them to want him. To like him. To love him.

Harry won't tell his father this, but he kept thinking maybe they actually love him or they just left because there was an emergency which is urgent and that they didn't have enough time to say something, to keep him on hold, or atleast to let him know that they care enough.

But also, one side of him keeps telling him that's next to impossible.

He didn't even notice he started crying until his father pulled him in hug and wiped his face. "Don't cry, I'll think about it, okay?"

Harry just nodded as Des kissed his forehead. "Alright, now go take a shower, I'll make you your favorite pancake."

** **

When Des closed the door to Harry's room, ready to go downstairs and make breakfast for his son, he noticed Ben leaning on the wall next to Harry's room.

"You don't make pancakes." He countered amused.

"I do now."

"I've never seen you like this." Ben said studying him for once.

Ben Winston have been friends with him ever since they started working together in the army. He knew Des, he's tough, not fatherly-like type.

"Like what?" Des asked.

"Like, you know -a softy. You were so strict. A no is a NO. When he was a lot younger, you used to act around him like he's one of your soldiers. You never baby him, I actually never seen you carry him."

"Yeah, I guess" he said reminiscing the past as he walked downstairs towards the kitchen with Ben, "I almost lost him once, along with Anne and back then I wasn't a father figure. I was busy with work, always away from home, unsure with whether I will still live and make it home after our battles. Heck! I wasn't even there when he first learned to walk." He paused and frowned at the memory before looking at Ben.

"...when he was at the hospital. Anne didn't make it and Harry wasn't waking up. I was like 'please live. Live and be a reason why I should live', that was my constant prayer. Harry is basically my life."

Ben just smiled at him, a comforting and knowing smile. "It's nice to have children."
Des nodded, he wouldn't disagree on that.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Okay, so I noticed I don't have many readers, voters, commenters but that's fine cuz at least someone is reading my stories even though they're not that good but hey I'm trying my best. So to my lovely readers - THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I appreciate it.

But here's the real deal!

I have a new story -it's one shot type boyXboy , so pls check it out. It's called
it was inspired by that dodgeball game 1D had played with James Corden where Harry wore this very short red shorts. It gets to me, he so frivkin sexy. Hahahah

Fourteen and Fool [ZIANOURRY- Harry centric] (Menxboy)Where stories live. Discover now