Darkness within suffocates me

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As my shadows overtook me, I drowned in the darkness but I gasped not for air.
I wanted to drown in the dark, feeling enclosed and safe, breath was my last thought.
Closer they held me, tighter I embraced them.
Here, where there is nothing, I am home.

I want to forget, feel numb, escape but not from these arms holding me.
I want to scream and cry, i want nothing, but everything.
I want an ending. I want a beginning. I want emptiness.
These arms that embrace are cold, numbing me from within.
The darkness that swallows me show no light, no end, in sight.

As i drown, as i fall deeper down i realise the arms that hold and embrace me are my own. That the suffocating dark comes from within, and that the emotions i wished to quiet are the reasons i am still here.
I am alive. I am breathing. I am feeling. I am whole.

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