The little villainess' death

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Based on: A family of heroes and the youngest daughter isn't one. Feeling left out, she realised the only way to get their attention is to become a villain, then finds she is very good at it. Dinner times are entertaining, if a little uncomfortable.
"Wolf girl" said: what if she was fighting a brother on top of a tall building, he pushes her and she falls!"
My view based on this opinion

All these basic moves were growing tedious. Apparently I wasn't the only one who thought so, because just as I decided to back kick his chest, he rushed towards me. I stumbled back, further and further, till there was no more roof under my feet.

Backwards u went, arms winding round as if I became a windmill. I knew it wouldn't help anything. I could feel the wind clawing at my back and clothes, rushing past me, pushing against me. Futile efforts to slow my descent, but why would I want to? I close my eyes and wonder how it came this far when all I wanted was to talk with my family, to be a part of their stories. As I open my eyes, the wind snatches my mask away, fluttering above. I'm already a fee stories down, I forgot how tall this building was.

Seconds passed. Long, slow seconds as recognition, horror and fear slide over Paul's face. Then he jumps. But it's too late, far too late. Memories of loved ones flit through my mind and I think mostly of Paul, the eldest brother. The one who just had to save the day from the villainess woman... From me. As the eldest of the hero family, he has always felt he needed to protect us all. Especially his youngest sister, who can hear the wind whistling through her hair. With my telepathic ability, I sent a message out to everyone in my family.

I sent images of all the years I was left out, all alone with no powers, of the last few months as a villain, terrorising my brothers. I sent emotions of pain, anger, joy, loss, and love. Reminded them of just last week when Jason complained of this new villain and how she somehow knew of his hate of pumpkins as she led him to a Pumpkin Patch and fought him there, laughing the whole time. Reminded them of the laughter they shared as no amount of showers took away the stench of pumpkin. 'i can forgive all the years of loneliness, as you never really knew. I hope you can forgive my antics these few months' she said. A chorus of 'yes' floated through her head as her mother and father asked why she told them now, if everything was okay. Tears glide past, dropping below like raindrops. Mine and Paul's mixed as he cries and reaches out, yet both of us knowing he will never reach, not in time. So I smile gently at him as I finally felt peace within.

The air felt different and I just knew that the end was near. I look at Paul, right into his glassy eyes, as my back connects with the sidewalk, my head just milliseconds after. Whispers faded, darkness took over as my last thoughts of Paul flew over my mind. 'How will my death affect him? I'm sure this will forever break him, that he will blame himself and slowly lose his own life'. So, lying there with blood pooling around me I whisper one last plea for forgiveness, one last piece of advice; "forgive but don't forget. Love you big bro, always. Never blame yourself for my choices". Memories faded, whispers gone, cold and wet, darkness took over till there was nothing left inside the broken body upon the sidewalk.

His boots softly landed beside her as he drops to his knees. Her last words echoed in his mind as he reached forward to feel her pulse. Silence. Tears fall faster as no pulse could be found. "She's dead"... He sent these two heartbreaking words through the family link. Screams and cries could be heard throughout for their young Lillianna. Their little lilypad. He never realised how alone she was each day they were out, never realised how she just wanted proper family dinners and game nights. He wished he knew sooner, but what would he really have done? He knows he didn't really kill her. She showed us herself of the pain and her plan. She didn't expect him to show up, the family was meant to be elsewhere fighting a monster, but there he was and it was too late, her plan already in motion. She decided she wanted to kill herself but she needed someone there, any hero, until he showed. She nearly changed it, ready to wait another month, yet felt she couldn't do any of it anymore. In the middle of the roof he tackled her, she dodged it and moved closer to the edge, stepping off before he could stop her. I couldn't save her... "I'll miss you, forever, little lilypad".

(Suicide is serious and heartbreaking. It takes courage but also a lot of hate. It leaves behind far more sadness than you think. Please if you ever find yourself in that corner, message me (I check everything once a day) find me on Facebook. You are not alone even when it feels you are. You are loved xx)

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