Jihyo POV:

When we are talking with the other and of course rosé is ok she's still unconscious we're talking when we heard a gun shoot i quickly stand up and i run the other following me when we see what's happening i see chaeyeon about kill the man

"Chaeyeon don't"i said and

she look at me her eyes it's like the chaeyeon i know when someone try to hold her twin her eyes is changing i look at j-hope oppa and i nod

I look at her again and she look away to us and i look at we're she's looking and i see chaeryeong laying on the ground and i look at chaeyeon again and i see her tears falling and she run at chaeryeong and hug her i run to them

"Chaer chaer don't leave me"she said shaking her and we came

"Chaer chaer i can't lose you come on" she said we see her eyes slowly closing

"No chaer don't close your eyes unnie going to save you ok"she said and i take chaeryeong

"We're going home you guys follow us we're don't worry chaeyeon were going to save her"i said i stand up and me and oppa run to the van to lay chaeryeong

we're not yet moving cause we're waiting for chaeyeon to came and we see her running here and go in oppa start the engine and quickly drive i look at chaeyeon

"Jihyo Unnie chaeryeong is ok right nothing gonna happen to her"she said and i can see her tears falling

"Don't worry chaeyeon were going to try to save chaer" i said and she nod we arrive at home and we run to the other guests room and start to treat chaeryeong wound

Irene POV:

After what I see i froze to my place looking at chaeyeon then chaeryeong i felt like i fail to do what i said to them i look at them carry chaeryeong bringing to the van and i see chaeyeon trying to kill the man and the other trying to stop her i look at the man so he is the one who shoot chaeryeong i look at chaeyeon

We'll i guess it's work what the duck human said and she start to run to where chaeryeong is and the other are following even the vampire expect for me i walk to the man and i see him unconscious i look at her in anger

"Guess what you man your going to die in my arms your going pay for what you did to chaeryeong" i said i see a knife and stab her chest locate at his heart

And i start to walk we're the other talking i go to them they not notice i disappear for a while

"We'll we're going with them we can't let the girl do anything we need to help them"yeri said

"But why we need to help them their our enemy"wonyoung said and yeri look at us

"We'll wonyoung you're wrong"ryujin said and they look her even me

"What do you mean by wrong"Wendy said

"We'll when the other are finding the three of their members we go to them and they didn't do anything we help them to find their three members their like us we just want a peaceful life even them"Ryujin said again and they nod

"We'll I think your question got answered so let's go and follow them we can help them to save her sister i can feel her she really love her sister well i guess she really did well since their kids"i said they look at me confused

"Huh what do you mean by that Unnie"ryujin said and i smile at them

"We'll i tell you guys the story after we get there i think chaeyeon time to know who I am"i said and the other nod leaving them confused and i go to our van and they follow me and start to follow werewolf

When we arrive i see the other sitting at the couch and i look at chaeyeon and smile i walk to her and she look at me

"Who are you?"she said i look at her eyes

"We'll we see each other again Yeon"i said she look at me shock

"U-unnie y-yo-you came"she said and i nod the other look at us confuse

"Of course I'm going to come to you guys"i said and she hug me i hug her back

"Unnie chaeryeong"she said i nod

"Don't worry I'm going to help them but the man who shoot chaeryeong his already dead"i said whispering to her she look at me shock and i wink and go to where chaeryeong and i walk to the room

I look at chaeryeong and smile i walk to where she is the other look at me

"What are doing here?"jihyo said i look at her

"Don't worry I'm not going to do anything to her jihyo"i said and she look at me at shock

"How do you know my name?"she said and i look at her and smile

"Of course i know all of you even them i already know them "i said and they're confused

"I will tell you later i need to save my little chaerry"i said and they nod but confused i look back at chaeryeong

~time skip~

After i treat chaeryeong i walk to the room and the other look at me their nervous at the time if chaeryeong is ok or not i smile at them

"Chaeryeong is ok now don't worry she's safe"i said and they smile i smile at them and i look at chaeyeon and walk to her

"Hey you ok ?"i said to chaeyeon and she nod

"Hey look she's ok now don't worry the guardians save her too and the guardian can't let her die"i said she nod and smile i smile back and she hug me i hug her back

"Thank you unnie for saving chaer"she said i nod and smile

"Of course I'm going to save her no matter what as i promise but I'm at that but look i already save her life to death"i said and she nod

"Thank you for keeping your promise"she said i nod i look at the other they're looking at us

"Be patient guys I'm going to tell you the story later"i said and they nod.

the vampires and the cursed humans(Bts,Twice,Blackpink,Itzy,Aespa,2 More)Where stories live. Discover now