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It's Saturday morning, and I'm standing in front of an apartment door that will lead me to Nevaeh

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It's Saturday morning, and I'm standing in front of an apartment door that will lead me to Nevaeh. The address Maya gave me yesterday has led me here.

Maya didn't tell me any more details, so I can't help but wonder. Did Nevaeh decide to find a new place and live here alone?

Does she have a roommate?

Has Maya been living here and asked Nevaeh to stay with her?

Nevaeh once told me that Maya stayed with Ash in the same apartment. Do they live here?

After Maya gave me the address, I wanted to see Nevaeh as soon as possible. But then, I realized that I needed to be prepared. I didn't want to blow my chance, so I had to think thoroughly. The worst scenario came up in my mind, but I tried my best to shake it off. I prepared something special for her, hoping that it would be enough to make her see my true feelings.

So, here I am, standing in front of her new apartment door while trying to calm my nerves.

I'd never been this anxious.

I've been telling myself that I'm ready to confess my feelings, but the truth is that I'm fucking nervous. It has only been more than a week since I last saw Nevaeh, but it sure feels like an eternity.

What if my mind goes blank the moment I see her again?

What if I fucking stutter?

The more I think about it, the more my mind goes crazy.

I need to see Nevaeh, right fucking now. I miss her.

After taking a deep breath, I knock on the door. Footsteps echo from the other side of the door, and once it is opened, I freeze on the spot.

There standing in front of me is a man, dressed in blue jeans and a t-shirt. I know him. This isn't the first time I see him.

He was also there at the college party where I met Maya and Ash. His name is Flynn, the guy who's one year older than me.

What the fuck is he doing here?

Did Maya give me the wrong address on purpose?

Flynn looks surprised, like he doesn't expect me to be here. But then, his eyes narrow at me. "Are you looking for Nevaeh?" His tone is far from friendly, and that's when it hits me.

Maya didn't lie to me.

This isn't some ploy to trap me, because Flynn clearly wasn't expecting my visit.

Nevaeh is indeed staying here, with him.

My body is shaking with rage. "What the fuck are you doing here?" The question leaves my mouth harshly, my last attempt to control myself from doing something brutal.

Flynn scoffs. "What?" He shrugs. "Can't I spend time with my girlfriend?"


The next thing I know is that I'm seeing red. I storm at him, gripping his collar as I knock him against the door. A loud bang echoes as it collides with the wall.

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