Calculus ꒰☁️꒱ Tweek x Craig

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☁️ Tweek Tweak x Craig Tucker
-ft. Random teacher + students, Tolkien Black and Clyde Donovan
— fluff, established relationship

"Alright class. Take out a piece of paper, we're going to have a pop quiz!" Ms. Mendoza announced with a bright smile on her face. The class let out a chorus of goans, earning a few glares from the brunette teacher.

As the students fumbled through the pile of papers, trying to find a blank sheet of paper, Tweek jittered as his leg bounced under his desk. He hadn't studied all week! He figured there wasn't going to be a quiz for Calculus for another week! He was practically sweating bullets, waiting impatiently for Ms. Mendoza to pass out the question sheet.

"Nggh." Tweek grumbled, turning his gaze at his clammy palms. Eventually, a paper came is way."Okay. You may now start." Ms. Mendoza took a seat at her desk. Tweek's pencil shook under his grasp, constantly slipping out of his hand and nearly falling.

"Nggh, gah ..." The blonde grasped his locks, staring hard at the paper. He pulled his hair in frustration, only causing more pain for his scalp and messing his already messy curls up. Tweek then heard a light tap on his desk. Craig. His boyfriend sat next to him, giving him a view of Tweek for a whole period. Tweek turned to see the ravenette placing a piece of paper on his desk. A note. He opened it quietly.

'Honey don't pull your hair,' it wrote in legible, slanted handwriting. 'Do you want me to pass you the answers?'

Tweek quickly wrote a response back, passing Craig the note reading: 'No its ok Im sory I cant help it Craig,' in messy handwriting. Craig then placed the note back onto Tweek's desk, a response written inside.

'Yk idm giving you the answer.'

'I know just that I dont wana feell guilty later ://'

'I'll at least give you the formulas; limx→cf(x) = A'


'Limit of f of x as x approaches c equals A.'

'Oh thankss<3' Tweek smiled at Craig. Craig nodded and turned back to his own work. Although the blonde still had his right hand intertwined in his hair, he seemed a little more concentrated, sticking out his tongue as he attempted to solve whatever question he was on. Craig side-eyed him before making eye contact with Tweek once more. The blonde pointed at the paper they were writing on, signaling to pass it back.

'Sorry to ask but whats #7?'


'Wtf ok thanks'


"Okay class, pass your papers forward. You may leave as soon as the bell rings. Adam, Kal. See me after class." Ms. Mendoza called across the classroom. Her class immediately began shuffling around, talking to their friends. From across the room, Tolkien and Clyde approached them.

"Gee- I'd fail this if it wasn't for Tolkien-" Clyde whispered. Tolkien rolled his eyes, leaning against Craig's desk while he put his stationary away.

Tweek nodded. "Same here- I forgot to study .."

"How does everyone do these questions without cheating?" Cylde sighed. "Hey! You guys wanna come over? My mom bought me a new game!"

"Yeah? What game?" Tolkien crossed his arms.

Clyde shrugged. "Don't know." Craig perked up.

"I don't have anything else to do, so sure. But no girlfriends this time, Clyde."

"Fine, fine. Then Tweek can't come along." He smirked.



"I'm kidding, kidding." The brunette punched Tweek's shoulder playfully. The bell rung and Clyde rushed to his seat for his backpack along with Tolkien.

"Hey, we should stop by for some snacks or something." Tolkien said, slinging his backpack over his shoulder, waiting for the rest of the group to follow him out of the classroom.

"Hell yeah!" Clyde exclaimed. He place his elbow on the taller male's shoulder. "Hey! We should invite Jimmy too! We'll meet you at the front doors, alright?" he told Tweek and Craig. They nodded and watched as Clyde walked out of the classroom with Tolkien following behind him, throwing a peace sign before disappearing from the couple's sight.

"Guess it'll be another drunken night."

"Ack, I hope not. Last time didn't go so well.."

"No shit. My parents grounded me for getting my car crashed. I had to spend all weekend cleaning the house." Craig finished packing up his stuff before slinging his backpack over his left shoulder. "Ready?" He asked Tweek who nodded, following his boyfriend out the classroom door, hand in hand through the now nearly empty hallways of South Park High.


like i said idfk how to end these - also i js wanted an excuse to include clyde and tolkien - ILL MAKE SURE TO ADD THEM A LITTLE MORE OFTEN !! :D

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