Chapter One - Before

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Author's note - I don't own any of these characters btw. This is my first story so this will have a lot of mistakes so you can feel free to correct me :)

Clyde's pov :

( flashback one year ago)

I was chasing Bebe Stevens, my soon to be ex girlfriend, down the long hallway after she had just seen me kissing Heidi Turner, who happen to be one of her friends. As I finally caught up to her I suddenly felt a hard slap across my face, I fell back a little as I felt a sting on my cheek. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!?!" Bebe screams at me, piercing my ears.

"I do everything for you and now I see you kissing Heidi, one of my closest friends" I can see the tears welling up in her eyes and I feel a flood of guilt as I respond

"Bebe I'm so sorry it just kinda happened"

It was a lie. I have been seeing Heidi for the past few months. At first we just hooked-up but then we started going on dates only recently. I wasn't up for the dates but Heidi insisted we go on one or two. It made me feel so guilty because I know Bebe doesn't deserve this.

"That's it, we're over!!" Bebe cries as she runs out of the school doors. After two minutes of standing there trying to comprehend what just happened, I finally went back to where I was before and sat down on the floor, leaning my back against the lockers behind me.

I actually really loved Bebe. She's really smart,caring,kind,thoughtful and she was beautiful. With blond curly hair and beautiful blue eyes. It's not that she wasn't good enough, I just didn't feel the spark with Bebe anymore, but then I realized that I didn't feel it much with Heidi either.

Me and Heidi's so called "relationship" was honestly really toxic. We just used each other for our bodies. Heidi also had just broken up with Eric Cartman so she needed a distraction.

As I was thinking, my thoughts were stopped by the boy standing in front of me. Craig Tucker, who has been my best friend for the past five years. I found Craig to be a very calm,collective person, he was also an amazing listener, he would listen to me if was having a bad day. 

I always felt like I could tell him anything.

"What happened to your face? why is it all bruised?, I saw Bebe running as I was going to my Locker" he said with a semi-concerned look on his face.

"Well she slapped me and just broke up with me, she caught me with Heidi in the hallway" I say as I rubbed my cheek, still feeling sore.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that. I thought she was going to be the one. Are you going to try and get back together with her?" I stopped and thought for a second.

Why would Bebe want anything to do with me After what I did to her?

I mean I have been a jerk to her for the past couple months, I never answered her calls or texts. I never really talked to her until just now when she broke up with me. And the worst part is I probably just did that to hurt her. Even if I wasn't even aware of it.

"No, I don't deserve her," I answered honestly.

It happened during break so I still had some classes, as I walked into my sixth period class I felt all the eyes in the classroom on me. I sat down in the back so I wasn't noticed as much. I suddenly felt a tug on my long sleeve, it was Wendy, Bebe's best friend.

"Do you know where Bebe is?" She asked me, shit... , what the hell do I tell her? That her best friend just broke up with me because she caught me cheating on her?

"I haven't seen her" I quickly responded

"Ok thanks" she said as she sat back down at her desk.

Time skip (after school)

I got off the bus and walked up to my front door, opened the door and ran upstairs to my room. I threw myself onto my bed and I just cried. I cried for what seemed like hours until I got a call. My eyes were puffy so it took me a minute to see who was calling me.

It was Heidi. I answered it.

"Hello" I say 

"Hi Clyde" she said with a low tone

"What's wrong Heidi?" I say concerned, she never talked like that.

"I can't do this anymore" My hand freezes.

"Why not??" I ask, probably because she was sick of me and how much of an idiot I am.

"I can't be with you, I need a break from boys and the drama" I assume she was talking about Cartman. I still don't know how she could have liked him let alone dating him for almost two months.

"I understand," I responded. Then she quickly hung up on me.

I soon went to bed after that.

So that was the first chapter! I hope it made some sense. I need to start writing more tbh.

(880 words)

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