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"jay can i please borrow your bike" riley begged, frantically walking into john b's room "what's he doing here?" riley asked pointing to rafe who was seated in a chair in john b's room.

"wow thanks for the warm welcome" rafe smiled "jj's gonna help me with my bike"

"weird...." riley furrowed her brows "so... keys?"

"just take the twinkie" john b insisted "she's in service again"

"i can't pull up in the twinkie" riley argued "can i please just take your bike, i'll be careful"

"why isn't lover boy picking you up?" jj asked "are you ashamed of the chateau?" he gasped.

"no i'm ashamed of you guys" she joked "i'm on my knees here".

jj raised his eyebrows causing john b to punch jj in the arm for his dirty mind "well now you're definitely not taking my bike".

"you can take mine" rafe tossed riley the keys "go easy on her and don't let pretty boy on the back"

"really?!" jj asked "your bike is a lot nicer than mine... you really trust her with it?"

riley disregarded what jj said "thank you thank you thank you!" she exclaimed running over to hug rafe "i'll see you guys later".

john b, jj, and rafe sat in the twinkie "you're sure she's here?" john b asked "i don't wanna step foot in the country club unless i have to"

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john b, jj, and rafe sat in the twinkie "you're sure she's here?" john b asked "i don't wanna step foot in the country club unless i have to"

"she's here man" rafe confirmed "i can tell by the story she just posted"

the 3 walked into the club together, riley almost immediately spotted them, she stood up from her table and sped over to them "what are you guys doing here?" she whispered "are you following me?!"

"woah get over yourself ry" jj lied "we're gonna go play pool in the lounge"

noah approached riley and her friends "hey ry who are your friends?" he asked "they work on your parents boat or something?"

"no we don't actually" jj rolled his eyes.
"right... well uh, it was nice to meet you" noah shot the boys a dirty look before returning to his table.

"can i talk to you for a minute? alone" riley asked rafe "... outside".

rafe followed riley outside "what the fuck rafe" she sighed "why would you bring them here?"

"john b drove" rafe defended himself "so technically he brought me here"

"yeah but you're the one with the club membership, they'd never agree to come here" she argued.

"what about you? what are you doing? huh?" rafe asked unintentionally staring at riley's lips "you make fun of country clubs and most kooks and now you're trying to become one... for what? for some dude that's not even good enough for you?"

"he likes me" she shook her head "and he's being really sweet to me, i'm really fucking lonely rafe and i don't wanna fuck up me and noah over some stupid pogues vs kooks shit"

"yeah? and who made you lonely huh? i took care of you and wasn't ashamed of the real you" rafe began to her emotional "i don't even know who you are anymore"

rafe walked back inside and riley swiftly moved to the bathroom, she looked in the mirror and watched her tears roll down her cheeks. she didn't recognize herself, she was still her just playing a part. wearing sarah's formal clothes and jewellery, her hair pinned back in a fancy updo instead of down and wild like normal. she knew that she was subconsciously changing herself for this boy even though she didn't even know if she was interested in him, she just wanted someone.

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