Chapter 4

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~◇~ Billions of beings on earth, like leaves on trees, living, growing, changing or unchanged, all die, fall to the ground, disappear, most of them unseen. ~◇~

High above earth, above the stars, far beyond the cosmos and galaxies, there's a timeless dimension unknown to all created beings.

Shrouded in a blinding light that no created eye can behold, a formless One is forever watching with multiple all-seeing eyes endlessly moving to and fro over all the realms, and all the beings it created living therein.

Soundless, the One gives out instructions. Out of the bright glow, tiny blobs of light continuously emerge, like small specks of light taking on a form, separating from their bright source. Each bows deeply towards the core, the Source of all, before they flash and blink out of sight.

Quite a few dimensions lower, in the Earth realm, in a small, quiet neighborhood, a grey-haired figure, dressed in a light grey suit, is leaning against the closed front door of a small cottage. They're pressing their ear against the door, and even though neighbors walk and drive by, nobody seems to notice the stranger.

With a mischievous smile on their face, and intense green eyes twinkling merrily, they suddenly pull back and snap their fingers softly. Instantly, a misty cloud, glittering with tiny rainbow speckles, starts swirling around them. Their body dissolves, becoming a part of the glittering maelstrom. Yet the outer edge of the cloud starts dissipating almost immediately as a large black raven appears from within the centre. Its wings are spread wide, gently flapping as it hovers in place for a few seconds before flying away.

Meanwhile ...

Carolaine Collins

I'm a realist, but for some strange reason, I, too, am now drawn to this mysterious family. I have no idea why, since a lot of what I've heard so far sounds more like gossip and someone's fantasy flights than actual facts or reality! And yet, I can't seem to help myself, I want to know more. Before I can ask anything, Paisley continues.

"Mr. Reese said nobody was allowed to enter the delivery room because he didn't want their germs affecting the madam or the babies."

"But that's a valid reason," I point out, "which could mean all these other weird things really are only tall tales added onto the truth, or speculations, gossip. But it does make me wonder what that Mr. Reese was trying to hide... Since you know so much about them, what's your opinion, Pais? Surely even you don't believe that everything you've told me so far is the truth?"

"Mmm, I, uh..."

She's not meeting my eyes, but before I could question her, she continues.

"So, according to the maids, there were some weird, inhuman activities and sounds coming from within that locked room - during the delivery and after the babies were born. Some of them swear they also saw bright flashes of colored light emanating from within. But," she shrugs, "since no one was allowed to enter, nobody knew what exactly was happening inside."


"Anyway, back to Blake and Nicholas. So, the evening the babies were due, Mr. Blandini knocked on the door but still wasn't allowed to enter. When he was told it's almost time, he waited there, sitting on a chair outside the room the whole time."

I can only shake my head at that. This is almost unheard of in our time, but I guess those days were different?

"On the fourteenth of July, after seven hours of intense labour, Blake was born at nine minutes past seven o'clock that evening. The maids were continuously checking in with the father waiting outside the room, yet they said they never once heard the baby cry or make any sounds at all."

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