Chapter 7

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~◇~ The real you inside is the only one that counts.
"You don't have a soul. You ARE a soul. You have a body." - C. S. Lewis ~◇~

Carolaine Collins

Ready to leave this dark place? Am I ever! Even though I now know a lot more about that monster that had been haunting my dreams for so many years, I'm more than ready to leave!

Trying my best not to appear too eager, I nod into the nothingness. The monsters instantly start fading away until I'm surrounded by nothing but thick and heavy darkness again.

"You will remain invisible," the voice says softly, "but it's important for you to trust and believe that you'll be safe, and to remain calm, or your presence will be felt."

Shouldn't be too hard, I'm not so afraid this time. Besides, I'm still wrapped in that strange comforting warmth, and I know I'm not alone.

So I nod and whisper back, "I'll try my best. Where are we going?"

"That which had been... that which you call the past."

What?? The past? Are we time-traveling?!

"H-how? What-"

The voice chuckles, "You have forgotten many things, little one. What is hidden away was hidden to protect you."

Why does that sound so familiar? Didn't I-

"Time is nothing but cycles. Trust. All will be revealed when needed. Observe."

I'm so confused, but it's not like I have any control over anything except my thoughts at the moment. So, I might as well go with the flow and trust the voice. Strangely enough, I do trust him without a doubt. Eh... him, it? They? Hmm...

As the darkness dissipates, the sudden appearance of bright light assaults my eyes, and I hastily cover them with my hands. When I finally feel as if my eyes have adjusted to the light, I slowly drop my hands.

I'm delighted to find I'm outside in daylight, which means I can finally see things. I can see, I don't have to fumble around helpless in a black void!

The sun is half hidden below the horizon in the West. To the East, the sky's changing colors are creating a scene more beautiful than any lens or brush can capture. Wow, this is amazing!

Feeling as if I've been released from a dark, dank dungeon, I take a few deep and satisfying breaths of the fresh air, sighing in contentment.

The voice chuckles softly.

What's so funny? Can it read my mind?!

"Knowledge, power, wisdom, and infinite opportunities," it mutters softly, "limitless possibilities are available to you in every moment, and yet, with the purity of a child, you still find pleasure in the simplest of things. You are a child of the Sun, and yet you prefer the cold of winter over the heat of summer. While you enjoy the silence, rest, and comforts of the darkness during nighttime, you're always relieved to hear the sounds of life, of beings awakening early in the morning. You delight in feeling and seeing the early morning light of the sun as it pushes back the dark of night. You are such a paradox, an absolute delight to behold."

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