chapter 2

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I shouted falling from a missing tile in the floor colliding with the bead bodys of the animals, smothering me in rotted flesh and blood, I wiped my blood soaked hands on my already damp with rotted flesh jeans and tried to continue running but couldn't do to my now sprained ankle. I found my way back to the main stage that was lit up in bright lights, the sound of loud gears popping as the now animated animatronics moved along to an inaudible song defined any other noise, I looked around panicked, May was nowhere to be seen. A black smug trail from the stage led to where I had seen May on the monitor, the candles she had been holding laid on their sides moving ever so lightly. Whatever that thing was had taken may and i had to find her before it did want ever it planned on doing. I looked around the room trying to find some kind of clue on where they had gone, I spotted a print in the dust leading to a metal door next to the stage, the place they had found the bodys.

I rushed over to it, pushing it open seeing a dark room only lit by the light from the stage, the room was full of old discarded heads of animatronics some with eyes some without, I stepped into the room and a loud pop caused me to jump. I looked down and saw a now shattered pink eye under my foot, I stepped over the shattered remains and stepped further into the room, the door squeaked closed, I turned on the light on my camera and begin using it to look around. The heads almost seemed to be more alive with the light on them, old pictures of the mascots hung on the walls seeming to have been drawn by kids, a light breathing sound caught my ear as I looked around causing me to turn quickly behind me. Something jumped out of the dark corner and grabbed me, I screamed dropping the camera, the sound of laughter echoed in the small space.

"Oh i got you good, you should have seen your face, I am so glad that's on film"


I bent down grabbing the camera pointing at the figure in front of me seeing May's face illuminated, I let out a frustrated breath.

"How could you do that, I thought he took you, I thought you were dead"

She continued laughing, grabbing my shoulder.

"Why would I be dead and what would have taken me"

"May i saw him on the monitor when I turned the power on, he was going toward you, i heard you scream"

"First I only screamed because the robots moving scared me and second what are you even talking about"

I grabbed her arm pulling her out of the room, bring her to the stage.

"On the monitor i saw a fourth animatronic behind these three, he was tall and gross looking, he started moving towards you, look at the sludge he left"

"Your just trying to scare me"

I froze in place, a 7 foot tall rotting rat wolf animatronic leaking rotting bodily fluids down it fur stood behind May. Bits of flesh hung from gashes in its body, a large opening in its chest showed a mix of metal bars, wires, human bones, blood, and human flesh that leaked black liquid. A large head with human like eyes and matted gray fur leaned down towards may showing its sharp blood covered fangs. A small human skull sticky with blood and bits of flesh sat behind the teeth of the animatronic. I screamed as it grabbed May and flug her body to face him, she feel back at the force, shock and fear writen all over her face, she pushed her way back to me bumping my foot. The camera pointed towards him illuminating the decay of his body more, I reached down swiftly grabbing May and pulled her to her feet and dragged her with me as I ran.
I had no idea were to go so I ran down the hallway I had been down not long before, I made sure to avoid the spot I had fallen before, may was close behind. I could hear the creaters heavy foot steps behind us but they sounded far away and slow. I spotted a door and looked behind me not seeing the creature so I ran for the door and opened it pulling may in with me. The room was very dark so I used the camera to illuminate it a little, may spotted a light switch and went to turn it on but I hit her hand away.

"Don't it will see the light from the hall" i whispered

She nodded her head holding her arms to her body and slid down the wall. I sat down next to her pushing up against her side as some kind of comfort and just listened for the creature.
We sat for a while in silence before we heard anything and when we did it wasn't near by but far down the hall, it sounded like scraping metal on tile and other random noises. I leaned towards may and whispered.

"do you think that him and hes far away"

She shrugged her shoulders

"Should we leave this room and try looking for an exit?"

She pondered for a moment but then nodded her head and we both stood, i opened the door slowly and peaked the camera down the hall both ways but saw nothing. I motioned for may to follow as i stepped into the hall, I turned off the camera light and continued filming in fornt of us.
We walked back towards the stage, The lights were still on and the animatronics still moved but the loud popping noise had stopped and it was completely quiet. I walked back the way we first entered and spotted the entrance door and stopped, large metal panels covered the once open door and windows, there was large red dripping letters on the metal that read

"No leaving, I will find you and i will kill you "

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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