Chapter 10: Freshman Finals To Summer Heat.

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I woke up that Friday knowing I had my finals and so did Vera and the others. I remember me stumbling out of bed from the night before where Vera and I were practicing that scene for our English final. I grabbed my tank top and black jeans as well as my black combat boots and leather jacket. I threw those on and I had to grab my Spikes and threw them on. I had fixed my hair and brushed my teeth before I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs. "Love you mom but I gotta go! Finals to do chaos to create!" I had called out when I bolted out the door. Now I must point out that my wings were out because I had a jacket that allowed for them to come through because of the slits that were in the jacket, which mom had tailored for me.

I remember flying to Vera's to pick her up. Quite literally I might add. I was perched on her balcony railing. I remember she kept the doors open because I always snuck away from my family to see her at night. So I stealthily hopped down and entered her room. Now I will point out I was human-sized at the moment in time of this event as I didn't wanna make it obvious I was there. Not because of Vera, but her sister and parents. "Vera? You in?" I had asked and yes I knew she was asleep in her bed as I left way earlier than most. I had saw her squirm a little in her bed and I knew she had heard me. And I figured why not practice for the final a tad and so I tried to sneak into her bed to carefully watch her rest.

I had made it up her bed to where she was laying and though I could've used my wings I felt at that moment I should try to at least act like a mortal. Even if just to amuse Vera. I snuck around and tried to watch her sleep. "Mmmm Come here!" I heard Vera call out as she grabbed me and held me up in the air by the jacket. "Hasn't anyone told you that sneaking up on a sleeping giant is a bad idea. You could get crushed or worse... Eaten." She had stated with a chuckle.

I won't lie I was nervous but I knew she was joking. "Oh, really there Miss Vicious? Should I be worried?" I playfully asked as I looked down into her yellow eyes. Her eyes usually stay green which often for her is a signal she's angry unless it's a very gorgeous emerald.

She had a smirk on her face and in a sleepy yet seductive tone which I shall reiterate is her NORMAL TONE. Though yes it can get as she says "worse " and by that she means more seductive. and she stated in her normal tone. "Yes Very." She told me this as she lowered me toward her lips. Which I would like to point out looked just as full as they do with her various lipsticks on. She had opened her lips slowly and before I knew it I was between them.  "Mmmm! Just what I needed a nice hot meal." Vera had joked as she lifted me up and looked at my soaked brownish-black hair.

"I wouldn't say I'm hot." I had stated as I looked at her I am evil yes but I wasn't full of myself over my looks. I had looked back into her eyes which were now pink which is a color to indicate love. now mortal's eyes can't do what we other races can. Sorry not sorry on that one.

"Well, I would. You are a Fire Drake, after all, a very well-built Fire Drake." Vera had stated as she stole a kiss and set me down on her nightstand before getting up and heading to her closet to grab a change of clothes and to get out of her Golden nightgown with navy blue accents. She had left to her bathroom and came back in a knock-out Red Dragon Scale dress with a slit up the hip and yet even if they had tried to get her dress coded they really couldn't do anything since her mother was Queen. Then as I remember she grabbed the necklace I had made her which was a silver dragon with red heart gems in strategic places.

As I recall  I shifted size and picked her up after I threw her bag over my shoulder with mine and I stole a kiss and flew us to school. Upon getting to school I saw Eda and Malcolm chatting, as usual, Eda was and still is an old friend of mine Malcolm was her crush turned boyfriend by mid-semester. "Hey well look who made it to school early." Eda had stated as she watched me flap my muscular wings slowly landing on the ground. I had set Vera down and handed her her enchanted mirror shard. Which by the way most of us carried one. It is sorta like the mortal realm's phones? I think is what Vera said they called them. She has done research into other realms given her vast library at her castle. See Vera was and still is a Giant of Brains and Brutality which I love.

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