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In 1682, Isol was a 26 year old soldier who defended Volterra, Italy from all things that threatened her. He was a strong man, who trained daily for his country. He had a humble home and enjoyed helping the people around him. On a fateful day during patrol, Isol happened upon a beautiful red eyed woman with her younger brother. They were on the outskirts of the city, laying on the ground starved. Without a second thought, Isol scooped both of them up in his arms and brought them to his home. He clothed, sheltered, and loved the pair of siblings, no questions asked. "Tutto a Volterra è sotto la tua protezione." He would boast as he cared for the two. It was a sight to see, it was as if these three were a married couple, together in union as always. Nikola was a young man just turned 20 however he was very feminine in nature. He had a slender build and enjoyed the duties of cooking in the home. He was also very proficient at mending clothes. An artistic and kind soul was Nikola, and he thoroughly enjoyed spending time with Isol. Even when Isol would joke that Nikola would make a fine bride to him one day. The older sister Ana was 22,tall,and the picture of divinity. She had beautiful red eyes, long dark brown hair with olive toned skin. Ana was elegant but quiet, she tended to the animals Isol kept. Which at first was only a goat and chicken that he left to his neighbors when he left for war, Ana requested more animals to care for. She was more affectionate with Isol than Nikola, with soft kisses to the cheek and gentle hand or arm caresses. However, Isol was a man of pride and God, he'd never lay with either of the siblings as he was their protector. When Isol would inquire of their home, they'd simply say their father was wrongly murdered and they fled in fear of persecution. Isol didn't have the heart to pry, and his heart shattered to see either of them in pain. Ana was hanging sheets and Nikola was kneading bread the day they heard the horns, calling all soldiers to arms. Ana dropped the woven basket in the yard, dashing inside to see Nikola collapsed to his knees with tears rolling out of his eyes. She embraced him on the floor as Isol walked into the room with a look of sorrow at the sight. The two pleaded with tears in their red eyes, begging Isol to stay, not to leave for war again. "le cicatrici ti adorano." Proclaimed Ana, her tears overwhelming her. They clung to his waist and arm hopping him as if he'd slip out of their hands instantly. All Isol could do while plated in his armor was smile brighter than the sun, kiss both of the siblings eyes, and pat their heads. "Dovrei ritornare." With a final hug and kiss to each of their eyes and cheeks, he left for his campaign. Ana wept on the ground and Nikola held her, sharp teeth holding his lip tightly watching him walk off with his band of soldiers. Months would pass before they would see Isol again however, it was not the reunion they hoped for. Isol would return, gravely wounded, a gash across his face, his breaths shallow. His soldiers carried him with death on their faces. All Ana could do was scream. Sobbing, she cried out, begging God to reverse what he'd done. Nikola was frozen,staring at the bandages stained with Isol's blood. Tears poured down his face, neighbors gathered trying to hold and console the two as the soldiers carefully brought him inside and laid him in his bedchambers. The doctors followed in after them. The neighbors would have to hold the pair back from going inside as the doctors worked on Isol. All they could do was listen in horror to Isol's tortured screams of pain, followed by whimpering and silence. Nights would pass beside Isol's chamber door, where Nikola was too frightened to enter. He would listen to Ana's sobs, as well as Isol's slowing heartbeat. Nikola could hear it all. The slowness of his breath, the palpitations of his heart, the soft tears that drop from Ana's eyes. Nikola had exceptional hearing, as did Ana, eyes as dark as blood, and teeth as sharp as knives. They were the offspring of the first Strigon, daughter and son of Jure after all. This is the true reason they fled. In fear of being executed alongside their father for the demons of night they became. On a night when Ana's sobs were silent, Nikola braved the coldness and death of the room, and carried his sister to her bed. Nikola sat next to Isol's bed placing his hand gently on his chest. He whispered his origins in Isol's ear, explaining what he truly was, knowing Isol was unable to hear or answer. He whispered a final saying "posso evitare la mano della morte, proprio come hai fatto tu per me." Nikola kissed Isol's eyelid softly before he positioned his wrist above Isol, and slit it. With Isol's last breath, he tasted copper and sweet flowers. Ana would awaken abruptly to the scent of blood, and nearly screech, as she watched her brother feed his blood to the dying Isol. They watched in horror, as nothing happened. Nikola nearly fainted until heartbeats could be heard throughout the room. Nikola looked in excitement to his sister who was only watching in terror. After 3 more nights of Isol's slow recovery, Ana packed her things and dragged her brother out of Italy, never to be seen again. Prosecution of the church, accusations of witchcraft, she could not watch what happened to her father happen to her brother. Isol awakened alone, with scars of his battle but no open wounds to be found. He finds a letter on his bedside.

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