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London was a cold place. Cold and bitter, like all the people. Reno was born into a family serving a local lord. He was a well behaved boy, quiet, did what he was told, and never fought back when he was bullied for looking girlish. He was around 7 the first time he met the heiress to the lord. He was absolutely awestruck. Though she was deemed "sickly" by the house doctors, she seemed anything but. Zuri was like a pink rose butterfly that floated into the garden of Reno's mind. The two quickly became inseparable as they grew up together. They attended home school together, ate every meal together, even took baths together when they were still young. The closer the two became, the more Reno realized Zuri wasn't sickly at all, not even remotely. She could jump higher, run faster, and eat much more than Reno. He was so confused as to why the house doctors claimed she was ill. They never allowed Zuri out of the manor, and though it was a large space, it angered Reno. He would question Zuri but she would always just turn her head coldly, not speaking until Reno changed the subject. Eventually on Reno's 17th birthday, he was appointed as Zuri's personal butler and bodyguard. Though he already felt that way, he took his job very seriously, beginning to workout more to better protect Zuri. It didn't matter much though because even with Zuri's age, she was confined to the manor. As Zuri aged, Reno saw that her sickness began to take more of a toll. About a week after her "treatments", as the doctor called them, she began to walk more slowly, her appetite would decrease, and she would sleep more often. By the end of the third week she'd be bedridden, looking as if she'd lost half her body weight. Reno never left her side until it was the night of her "treatment" as he was not allowed anywhere near the heiress. He would walk the floors of his room all night, wearing a path into the wood. His mind would only ease once his mother would come fetch him, saying he could check her bedroom to see if she's well. Reno would practically sprint to the other side of the manor and up the many stairs to open her bedroom door. She would always be fast asleep in her bed, looking even more radiant than usual. This baffled him, the sudden change from deathbed to excellence only described as divine beauty. After his 18th birthday Reno had enough. He was tired of the mysterious "treatment" and began demanding answers from his mother. She would only shake her head and say it was a womanly matter that did not concern him. He'd always walk off in a huff muttering, "A monthly bleed does not cause such devastation to a woman." On the third week following his confrontations Reno walked to Zuri's room for her morning tea and walk but found Zuri lying on her bedroom floor, coughed up blood staining her mouth. After calling for help, the house doctors forced Reno away from Zuri and into the hall. Finally, he had reached his breaking point. Reno barged into the Lord's office demanding to be informed of Zuri's conditions. The lord didn't seem at all surprised by his sudden entrance, in fact he seemed prepared for the interaction. It was evening and the night was ever encroaching. "I am aware you have questions, however I do not know if you are ready for the answers, child." The lord says, looking out the window with a look of guilt. Reno angrily slammed the door, "How am I to protect my ladyship if I am not informed of her health!" The lord stands, silently walking over to his cabinet, he pulls two glasses from a drawer and pours Port.
"Well, have a seat, and I'll explain everything to you."
After several glasses of Port, and a very shocking reveal, things began to make more sense. Her pale cold skin, her sharp teeth, her pink eyes; Zuri was a vampire. As was the Lord. Mostly all in the manor were vampires except Reno. Reno could not speak. He stared at his feet, unable to get the lump out of his throat.
"That is not all, unfortunately."
Sighing, the lord put his head in his hands. "Due to my indiscretions, Zuri is not simply a vampire. The bourse physicians haven't a clue why, but Zuri does not act as a typical vampire should. Yes we are of noble blood, but the requirements for her to live...they do not align with ours. We have yet to discover her ailments, so we have restricted her access to the outside world." The Lord continued speaking but Reno couldn't hear anything, his heart pounding in his ears. Reno could barely breathe. He felt sick, he didn't know what to think. The room was spinning. Or was Reno spinning? After several moments of silence, the Lord asks if he is okay many times. After another large gulp of his drink, Reno speaks out faintly. "How shall I serve my lady better, sir?" It was all he could think. Zuri was Reno's butterfly, and he had steeled himself for all that she would need. Including his life. The lord sighed in relief, and explained the careful precautions and duties assigned to Zuri's feeding. Zuri would fall into a frenzy if she drinks too much blood and will experience a fever before fainting. For some reason she could not naturally stop herself from frenzying like most vampires. Her blood is also known in the community as an aphrodisiac, causing euphoria in demons who taste it. This was discovered by a doctor who was testing her blood and couldn't resist the urge to taste noble vampire blood. He was fired and now Zuri must be guarded 24/7, as many occult beings began to try and steal her away for her blood. Zuri does not retain memory from these frenzied feedings, but due to her uncontrollable feeling, she cannot feed for about 3 weeks. This is basically starvation for a vampire but they couldn't keep such a large supply of blood in the manor without drawing suspicion to them. After a long 2 hours of detailed explanations, and lots of drinking, Reno would leave the office. Almost in a daze he walked to Zuri's room, opening the door. There she was, completely radiant, as her latest "treatment" had just finished. This would usually be the part when Reno leaves to sleep in his room, but he was feeling rather lightheaded. Reno stumbles into her room and closes the door behind him. He carefully lies on the floor next to Zuri staring at her as he floats off to sleep. "Who has been performing a duty that should have been mine alone all these years my butterfly?"
Reno would then throw himself into studying vampires, herbs, and all things occult to better understand Zuri. As the weeks passed, Reno would become accustomed to all things Zuri, no secrets were kept from him. After carefully watching some of the old treatments done by doctors, Reno took control of the entire process. Reno would allow Zuri to feed off of him occasionally but only in small doses during the day. By decreasing her volume of blood, and increasing the frequency, Zuri was able to feed like a normal vampire would. Reno could tell when to stop her feeding by the glow of Zuri's eyes and this was how he was able to teach her how to stop a frenzy from coming on. If they began to turn brighter instead of darker he knew she would begin to frenzy. By telling her exactly when to stop, Zuri was able to identify the feeling of her frenzy coming on and could stop herself. She was practically a normal vampire, able to feed naturally and know her limits. To be safe, Reno forbade her from feeding without him there with her. It was a complete success and though she would occasionally run a fever and need to stay in bed for a day every week she was fine. Reno was praised by the Lord and all was well in the manor. However, on Zuri's 18th birthday her health began to slowly deteriorate again, and Reno noticed her behavior during feeding take a turn. She would become feverish, and her breathing would quicken. It seemed as though she was being sexually aroused as she fed. Though he felt guilty, Reno would share a room with Zuri every night for the week following her health decline. He would put Zuri into a frenzied state by feeding her blood from the manor supply, and then see how she reacted with the fully pink eye glow. However something was different now, she wasn't thrashing about as usual. She was heavily breathing and just staring at Reno. As if asking him for something. He cautiously approached her asking if she was lucid, and she simply nodded her head. He would reach out to loosen the tethers they used to use for her frenzies and goosebumps would appear down her arm where his hand touched. He would examine her slightly more, noticing the flush in her checks. She was aroused. There was no doubt in his mind. He stepped out of the room for a moment, rushing to his bedroom tearing it apart for a single book. It talked on the special talents given to vampires as they consume enough blood and come of age. He found a passage on a very rare case where if a succubus or incubus conceives a child together with a vampire, the child will receive traits of a succubus or incubus when they come of age. He walks back to Zuri's room to find her still tethered and staring out her window, eyes still a bright pink. He runs over to her, apologizing while releasing her from the tethers. Once he removes the tethers Zuri is suddenly above him, her hands gently placed on the sides of his face. "I'm sorry Reno, but I desperately need this. It's all I can think of to cure this pain." She presses her lips to his pulling him to her bed. The next morning passes and Reno leaves her room, with her still asleep. Zuri was never ill again, and Reno was praised highly by the Lord. He began performing the duties of Zuri's feedings alone. In her bedchamber, he would allow her to drink from him and use verbena to combat the fever to help her relax. After she relaxed he would begin the other half of his duties. Though he would gain a few scars from her biting or her nails from the verbena being too weak he mostly made it out safely. At first it was hard for him, being so intimate with Zuri without knowing her true feelings for him. It became easier as time passed. Zuri would be in an altered state when she required the sexual energy for her succubus traits, so Reno would be very strict about their physical contact outside of her feedings. He refused to be close to her during the times after, partly because he had become guilty of his acts. He knew that it was necessary but Zuri never seemed to quite remember what happened after she would feed off of him. He noticed that she began to get stronger with each feeding, her hearing increased, her eyesight was perfect, she could jump much higher, run further, and was physically stronger. Her confidence also began to skyrocket and she wore mature clothing, befitting a Ladyship. She was still a shy, and obedient girl who would hide behind Reno when others would visit her though. Life was better, and Reno was still actively researching the vampire succubus hybrids and their powers. It was 1888, and on a fateful day in April, the manor would be raided by the church. Accusations of occult and satanic happenings would have the whole estate burned to the ground, inhabitants inside. Reno had planned his escape route, years in advance, to protect Zuri if something terrible were to ever befall the manor. With Zuri in his arms, Reno escaped through the catacombs under the manor into the sewers of the city, coming out in an alley near Whitechapel. Zuri whimpered in his arms, in despair for her family and also in hunger. The weeks leading up to the Raid, the blood supply to the manor drastically decreased. The church must have noticed the amount of live stock and missing humans in the area. Most of the vampires in the manor were practically starved, Zuri was able to fend off most of the starvation by unknowingly using sexual energy as an alternative. It had been weeks since she had a good helping of blood and the starvation was clear. Out of options Reno found a secluded area in the alleyway and unbuttoned his shirt. "Drink, Zuri." He would say simply, holding the back of her head and pulling her close. She would not waste a moment, plunging her teeth into his neck. He resigned himself to death, knowing Zuri could not control herself after weeks of starvation. For his Lady, he would die, it seemed so simple to him until he thought about how she'd be left alone, unable to protect herself after his death. Fear struck his heart as he saw images of Zuri alone in the alleyways of London, shivering and afraid. He was beginning to lose consciousness when a thought crossed his mind. If he were to drink from her arm, he could protect Zuri for eternity. As if she read his mind, Zuri used a nail and slit her wrist above Reno's mouth while still drinking his blood. As he bit into her wrist he would lock eyes with Zuri, the emblazoned pink glowing brighter than fire.

It was August, a month after losing the manor and his family. The two struggled, sleeping in alleyways and scraping for food until Reno found a room to sleep. A local merchant who had ties with the late lord had found the two in an alleyway near his shop and offered them the room in exchange for help with his products. Zuri had begun getting increasingly weak due to the lack of blood, and Reno was no better. Reno had mastered the mind compulsion that came with his vampirism, and can mostly control a human mind now. With this in mind, he took Zuri out into an alleyway known for prostitution, and lured a lady of the night to their corner. Reno would pin the lady to the wall looking deep in her eyes telling her, "do not scream, do not fight, do not run." Her eyes would glaze over, complying to the demands. Reno would signal Zuri over, after he drank from the lady's neck. Pressing Zuri's back into his chest and covering her head so that she could feed on the lady, he would bite onto Zuri's neck. He would only drink a few sips of Zuri's blood, to prepare for what came after her dinner. Her blood was like sparks running across his tongue, like ambrosia being poured down his throat. It was hard to stop but he would pull himself back with the thought of Zuri being in pain. Reno would try and keep her from ripping apart the lady but would always fail, before carrying her back to their room. He would then spend the rest of the night making love to Zuri, doing everything in his power to satisfy the succubus inside her. After this night they would repeat the same process, in total 11 times over the next 8 months in the city. One day, after working for the merchant to move products, Reno came across a news article alerting the public of "Jack the Ripper", a heinous criminal who was slaughtering women in alleyways. Snatching the paper up with wide eyes he began biting his thumbnail. The article claimed that the police had narrowed down the killer to the White chapel area and Reno's nail broke when he read that line. He sprinted home, swinging the door open he found Zuri in a puddle of blood weeping in the room. She was inconsolable, talking about encountering some man and attacking him. Reno felt like the room was spinning. He quickly helped clean her up, changing her out of the stained dress. Reno took Zuri and fled the city that day. They would become more adept at killing and being able to hide their tracks. However it didn't help that Zuri had become more zealous with her feeding techniques, and enjoyed killing her victims rather than letting them go. Over the years Reno's obsession with Zuri would only grow, and with the invention of technology it only worsened.

The pair live in an apartment in New York City, the year is 2023. Reno works as a security guard, a freelance mercenary if you will. Most jobs land him in banks or hospitals. His mind compulsion has become much stronger and he is capable of controlling occult beings if they are weak enough.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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