Chapter - 9

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After Mr. & Mrs. Min leave the house.

J/M :  Jaggiya (darling) what happened ? Why are you sitting like this ?

J/F (sitting on the couch while holding his head with his both the hand) : I am thinking about Mr. Min's proposal. What do you think about their proposal ?

J/M (while sitting beside him) : Well if you want my honest opinion then it's a very good proposal. But I don't want Jimin get married in such an early age. It's his age of studying and exploring the world not to get married.

J/F : Yes you are right. I also don't want him to get married. He is only 20. He isn't mature enough to take the responsibility of married life.

J/M : Then ??? Shall we refuse this proposal ?

J/F : I don't know jaggiya. I'm too shocked and confused too.

J/M : But we have to take some decision. We have to give Mr. Min an answer. They are waiting for our answer.

J/F : We should talk Eomma and Appa first.

J/M : Right. We should do what they tell us to do.

Jimin (happily chirping like birds) : We are at home.

J/M : You all came. Eomma Appa you both look tired. Did he (Jimin) made you both walk too long ?

Grandma : Oh no daughter, he is my angel. It just we are not young now. We get tired just by walking small distance.

J/F : Eomma Appa please take care of yourself. If you both were already tired then why didn't you say no to him ?

Grandpa : Because we didn't want to break his heart. He is so excited to see places.

(Jimin came with two glasses of water and gave to his grandparents.)

J/F : Jimin you have to take care of your grandparents. They are not young and energetic like you. Now see their legs start paining.

Jimin (holding his ears with his both the hands) : Sorry Grandma and Grandpa. I shouldn't make you both walk longer. I will massage your legs with hot oil. Then your pain will disappear.

Grandma : There is no need for that baby. Your baby like hands will hurt if you gave us massage.

Jimin (offended) : My hands only look small but they are very strong. I can break walnuts just by my hands .

Grandpa (smile) : Yeah yeah my strong Chimmy. You are the strongest.

Jimin (showed him his eye smile) : Thank you.

J/M : Jimin go and take shower. You are sweating too much.

Jimin : OK. Eomma can you cook Kimchi Jjigae today. I have craving for it. Please....

J/M : Of cause I will. Now go and take the shower.

Jimin : OK Thank you.

(Left for his room.)

J/F : Appa Eomma I want to ask one question. Can I ?

Grandpa : Yes of course.

J/F : When did you both get married ? I mean in which age ?

Grandma : Why so sudden ?

J/F : Nothing..... I just want to know please tell me.

Grandpa : When I was 20 and your Eomma was 18 .

J/M : It's such a very young age Appa.

Grandma : Well at that time people get married in young age. It's not a big deal.

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