<~~(The trip)~~>

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"Hey Y/N,Ashlyn you guys aren't going on the trip?" You just walked right passed the field trip form? "Oh?.. I'd rather stay home" "yeah.. same" "I don't like him one bit" you thought

"Im..going home good bye" before you leave you grab a field trip form and walk out a couple of minutes later you see Ashlyn walking the same way as you and then it hits you she's your neighbor you think for a moment you think "she's pretty cute...N-NO what am I thinking... just keep walking.."

a couple of minutes later your brother walks in your room and sees you zoned out again so he snoops in our phone seeing that you have 69+ notifications? he sees a group chat with 6 other people and smirks he's planning something most definitely....hours later you get a notification from Aiden saying "yo! Y/N I'm planning to go to Ashlyn's house what to come :)" you hesitate for a bit but you agree you put on some clothes and walk to Ashlyn's house (pick your outfit I have no motivation to do it sorry)

Ashlyn's pov

"Looks like school went well" "it didn't not only am I stuck with that guy and... girl on the bus but now I'm in class with them AND a semester-long group project with them and 4 OTHER people... I don't wanna go back tomorrow"

You and Aiden reach Ashlyn's house and you guys knock on the door and texts her "Knock Knock"

"That must be the delivery guy" "WAIT DAD DONT OPEN-the door..."

"Ah Hi!"








HELLO EVERYONE I'm not your Author, I am the co-owner of this book sometimes if you see longer chapters that will be me sometimes and if you ever have a question for me, just call me eclipse And I'll try to answer that's all for today. You guys have a good day eat food drink some water. And that will be it




Words (317)

ꪻꫝꫀ ꪑ꠸ꪑ꠸ᥴᦓ ꪜꪮ꠸ᥴꫀ. [Ashlyn Banner X FEM reader]Where stories live. Discover now