<~~Maybe I do like you~~>

363 10 1

your pov

"SHIT GO GO GO!"    You grab on to Ashlyn arm and run out  "w-what is that thing?"  "According to Tyler that would be the prank from earlier today"  "I'm friends with idiots" you thought  "ah! Sarah and Emma are still in there!"  "I don't think they're in there they would have come out of there room or yelled" you and Ashlyn said  you zone out  and then you feel the string from your shorts being pulled you see Ashlyn trying to take the string she's closer to you face then normal  so you blush and help her and tie the string to the poll  "I'm going to tie the door to the pole over there"  "to weak strings and a shabby pole?!  Yea like that's going to keep it closed?!"   "Maybe not but it'll stay closed long enough for me and Ben and y/n to make a run for it! You guys go!"   "I SAID GO!!"  "Tsk!"   "Ben tie this to the door handle" "HURRY" "HURRY" "HURRY" "HURRY" "HURRY" "HURRY" "HURRY" "HURRY" "HURRY"        "Okay- RUN"    "ASHLYN CART!"   "Y/N CATCH"   Ashlyn passes you the cart and you slam it into the monster " this could be funAiden grabs some sprays and sprays it into the the monster's eye it's squirming eventually you make it to the room and you sit in a corner thinking   "Ⲛⲟ ⲛⲟ ⲛⲟ ⲛⲟⲧ ⲁⳋⲁⳕⲛ"  you grab your bleeding arm and sit in silence then you hear Ashlyn say "we should put the couch up against the door"  minutes pass by and then you hear Aiden chuckling  "why are you laughing this time?"    "It's like we're in a zombie movie"   "And that's supposed to be funny?"   "Yeah."    "Is he insane or something"   "Hm?  Your arm is scratched up? I thought I got you out of the way in time?"  "You did but it's not only me Y/N has it to we think it happened at the sorrel weed house."    "You mean it was real and didn't bother to tell us!?"    "I don't tell anyone because I didn't think it was real and right nowis it exactly a good time to talk about it We should be coming up with a plan or-"   "And why should we listen to anything you say this is all probably your fault in the first place!"  "All right fine I get where you're coming from maybe I should Have said something And it's blaming me helps you deal with situation better so be it.."  "Hey what are you-!"  "But if you aren't going to make yourself useful, make yourself scarce Playing the blame game and figuring out what's going on. Can come after your safe enough to talk about it.The facts are those creatures can kill us at any moment of arguing or time is better spent to come up with a planSo much for the help me do that keep your trap shut and don't cause trouble"  "why was that kinda hot..."  you thought   "Well, that was unexpected go off Queen" "and you need to stop taking this so lightly!" "Aye aye"  "We need weapons and materials so let's gather up everything in the motel room in surf through what we can use" "Y/N"  "yes Ashlyn?" "Come here..."






Hello, I Made a new chapter because Luna is at school and I'm in Hawaii so I guess school break start early for me lol but anyway I think I did pretty good my thumbs hurt that's fine but I hope you guys have a really good day/night/noon and don't forget to eat drink and sleep bye-bye 





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