Ayo is that a child

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To indicate who is speaking: ( )
Hizashi/president mic: PM or H
Obro: O
Shota: S or A
Tenko: T
Doesn't matter: dm
(This will only be used when it's not obvious who it is)

Sherikumos perspective
I'm walking down the road with Hizashi and Shota when I spot a child sitting on the floor under a bridge.
"Guys I'm not the only one who's can see the child under the bridge, right" I say
"What child, where" (PM)
"The bridge, idiot. He literally just said" (S)
"HEY" (PM)
"Hizashi, my ears..." "Your way to load" (S)
"I'm going to see if he's okay" (O)

As I leave I hear one of them ask
"Hey wheres Obro?" (PM or S)
"Hey are you okay?" (O)
No response.
"Do you need help?"
No words, just a quiet muffled sound and sad nod.
"Alrighty then, hop on" I say producing a cloud for the blue haired boy to sit on
"I'm going to take you over to my friends and then we're going to find your family"
I walk over to were Hizashi and Shota are standing, they don't notice us at first.
"Oh dear lord" Shota start's "I loose you, then you come back with a child"
"Hey! He looked like he needed help"
The child touches the cloud with all 5 fingers and it disintegrates below him
"Woh is that his quirk!"
"Shota aziawa actually finds something cool😮" I joke
"Daum it's a miracle"

The childs POV
Someone thinks it's cool?

No-ones POV
"Anyway we should probably introduce ourselves" (O)
"Fair" (dm)
"I'm shiriocomo Obro"
"Aziawa Shota.."
"Yamada Hizashi!! What's yours little listener!!!"
"I think you scared him" (S)
"... Ten-ko..."
"Tenko, what's your family name"
"... I d-don't have any f-family left..."
Only now do the 3 UA student's notice the blood on the childs hands
"How old are you?"
((O)To the other boys)
"His quirk must have developed late..."
"I'll take him to mine and bring him to UA tomorrow to ask nezu what we should do next"
"Good idea!"

They all go their separate ways

if Obro Sherikumo didn't dieWhere stories live. Discover now