CHAPTER XVII. | maneuvering the battle

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But as some of Squad Levi's soldiers began to prepare their descent from the wall, Commander Erwin stopped them

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But as some of Squad Levi's soldiers began to prepare their descent from the wall, Commander Erwin stopped them. "Clarisse, Levi. Armin," he called their names. "I did say for your squads to go, but I need you all to stay here for a moment."

"Do you need me to protect the horses and not Eren?" Captain Levi asked.

"Yes," Commander Erwin answered, before pointing his sword in the direction of the Titans in the fields. Directly at the brown, furred Titan. "And strike him down when the chance comes. You're the only one I can trust to take down the Beast Titan."

Captain Levi stared blankly into the distance for a moment. "Understood," he said. "Since I failed to kill the Armored brat earlier, I'll make up for it with the Beast Titan's head."

With those words, he descended from the wall, towards the horses and the smaller Titans. "Armin, Clarisse," the commander turned towards them after Captain Levi had left. "I have a plan for the Armored Titan, but I would like both of your opinions. There are two halves in the battle for humanity's fate. And one of them, I will put on Armin's and Hanji's shoulders."

Armin's lips parted in surprise, while Clarisse's hands balled together underneath her cape. Holding any of her commentaries back. Being humiliated in private was one thing, but a scolding in the open field and in front of a child was something else. "Firstly, we will be having Eren act as bait, turning their attention from the horses," Commander Erwin started. "If they go after Eren, then it will give us an opening to focus on the field Titans. If they still go after the horses, then Eren will flank our position, and attack the Beast Titan from behind while Captain Levi attacks from the front."

Armin nodded, turning towards Eren's position, a mental note to relay the information to Squad Levi.

"The Colossal Titan is still in hiding," Clarisse said. "If we assume that he is hiding in a similar position to the Armored, then we must be careful to avoid the surfaces of the walls, or not linger as long to leave ourselves open. We have no idea where he could be watching us from; our strategies will still be severely disadvantaged until we do."

"I know," Commander Erwin replied. "But there's nothing we can do about that for now, other than to stay vigilant. We don't have the time to search for him. Armin, relay my orders to the rest of the squad, please."

"Roger, Commander."

Armin left the top of the wall, heading towards the rest of Squad Levi's and Squad Hanji's positions.

Clarisse watched as Armin left before her eyes were drawn to the Armored Titan. The squad's target. She had never engaged with a Titan nearly as active, and Rod Reiss' Titan hadn't been the most ideal practice in preparation. "Commander, what are your orders for me?" she asked, eyes never leaving the scene in front of her.

"Darling —"

"We're in the field, Commander."

She turned towards him, to find him standing only a pace away from her. Her teeth clenched together, unable to find the strength to arch her neck, to peer up at him from below. "If there's nothing, I should catch up with the rest of Squad Levi."

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