CHAPTER XX. | secrets of the past

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With the charge Commander Erwin had lead towards the Beast Titan and the impact of the Colossal Titan's transformation, only ten soldiers of the Scout Regiment had survived

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With the charge Commander Erwin had lead towards the Beast Titan and the impact of the Colossal Titan's transformation, only ten soldiers of the Scout Regiment had survived. They had been searching for any survivors still lingering, but they had no luck within their search.

As Armin had been chosen over Commander Erwin for the Titan serum, it was decided that he would be Erwin's next successor, and in charge of strategic planning. After the soldiers had recuperated more or less, Commander Hanji stood up, declaring that they should continue on, moving forward on their mission.

"Levi, Eren, Mikasa, Clara and I will investigate," they said. "You other four keep watch atop Shiganshina's wall."

"Roger that."

"Eren, do you still have the key?" Hanji asked.

He grasped at the necklace beneath his shirt, glancing down. "Yeah," he said. "Right here."

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In the aftermath of the Titans' battle and destruction, the homes and buildings within Shiganshina District had been crushed to the ground even more, residual smoke rising from the homes around them. Even as they walked through the walking paths, debris crumbled and fell from the roofs, crackling as they shattered upon the dying grasses.

Resting to the side of a small home was a teddy bear, battered and torn. Greyed from age and the elements. A faded taste of color in the pink bow it wore.

Silently as possible while carrying the suspension gear, Clarisse reached down, picking it up from the ground. Holding it close to her chest as the small group continued onwards, searching for Eren's family home and basement.

The captain turned his head back towards her, side-eyeing the small bear that she held in her hands. Dirty and filthy; who knows what touched that last or what that bear had grown on its surface for the past few years? And yet, he said nothing, as they continued the search for the basement.

"Luckily, the fires didn't make it this far," Commander Hanji said, as Eren stopped in the area of his childhood home. Much like many other homes, the building itself was now gone, taken during the Titans' attack.

Together, Clarisse, Mikasa and Eren moved aside the mountain of debris that was still left behind — plates, cups, several pieces of wood. All remnants of what had been a part of Eren's home and his parents. "Right here," Eren said finally, pointing to wooden planks embedded into the ground. A large boulder still overlaid atop of most of the wooden planks. "Under this are the stairs to the basement."

"Good," responded Captain Levi.

Gathering large wooden planks, likely pieces of other building's foundations, all five of them pooled their strengths together, occasional grunts of exertion could be heard as the large boulder was slowly pried off of the basement's entrance. Eren quickly scrambled to the basement's door, opening it and revealing it a set of stone stairs. The stairs were steep, none of them being able to see what was past their line of sight while they stood on the ground's surface.

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