part 1. "WARNINGS" NONE, this part cause its a part 1

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April 1st 2023

     Taking a deep breath, as your looking in your mirror. Today is the day, well not really it's just like every other day.
          Boring, dull, dreary day.
     You had to get up early because it was a Monday, and Monday meant that it was time to get ready to go back to work. It definitely wasn't the job you intended on spending your whole life on. Because your job was being a cashier at a coffee shop. Which is kind of a low paying job.     
   You make 15$ an hour which is a crappy job.
You got accepted into a Nursing Program, which starts in September. You're very excited because you worked very hard to achieve a spot in nursing .
   Your 24, you took a few years off after graduating from High school a few years ago.
Which you don't regret. Because you knew that it wouldn't be very easy to go to college or university, because let's just say you were going through it. Your boyfriend..EX boyfriend. Cheated on you with one of your friends that you meet a few months before that. It was bad, but that wasn't even as bad as all the other stuff that happened in your life at that time. But that's a story for another time.

    You looked at your clock you read "9:02 AM"
It was time to put on your coat, grab your phone, of course you had to have breakfast though. But you forgot. As soon as you were walking out the door you realized. "SHI- no no no.." you ran in tore the seal off of the bread bag, threw a piece of bread into the toaster. Grabbed the handle of the fridge, and opened it, and grabbed some butter.
       "2 minutes later"
   Your toast was ready, you grabbed it out of the toaster, and put it on the plate you took out a minute ago. You then took a butter knife and scooped the butter out. You Spread the butter across the toast. You then put all the stuff away. Then you took your toast, and headed for the door.
     You took your car keys, stepped out. Forgetting, you stepped back in locking the door, then shutting it.
   Mondays were your least favourite day of the week. I'm sure that's everyone's though.
   You opened the door to your car which was a Black new, Honda civic. Which was a gift by your grandmother, before you moved to the place you were in now which was Virginia. You really liked Virginia. It's very interesting.

   You finally made it to your coffee shop which was only 25-30 minutes away which wasn't absolutely crazy but it could be better.
You stepped into work. You saw your friend Vic, she waved at you with a wide smile that showed her perfectly white teeth, when she smiled her cheeks blushed, her natural long brunette hair was set up neatly and perfect. She is 27 only 3 years older than you.
     She's been a good friend of yours ever since you moved her over a year ago.

    You took your work outfit and tried to make it look better it was dark brown, it was a dark brown shirt, with a tiny apron, you just wore basic leggings tho which was a plus because you didn't like to show your legs.
      It was around 11:37 am now. Work was as boring as ever.
  The only thing that made work a tad bit better was indeed Vic, you and her talk about life, etc, like she helped you when you found out your grandmother died from a heart attack 7 months ago, which was when you started getting closer to her because she helped you with it.

     It was around 12:37pm, now your shift ends around 4:00pm so you serve customers, their coffee. Like usual.






    You saw a man that you've never seen before, now in this coffee shop I'm just gonna say you never see new faces because only local people come around pretty much the same people every day.
    This was different, you've never seen this guy before. Which you had to admit was very handsome. But you weren't about to let yourself think that. Sense you've literally just laid your eyes on the handsome man.

   You went behind the counter, to serve the man who was walking towards you.

  He had very fluffy brunette hair the was not to long not to short. JUST the way you liked a man's hair to be. He has brown eyes which appear to be very attractive. He indeed was tall. You weren't exactly sure. But this man had to be at least 6 foot 1.

   You realized you were staring.

   You heard a man say in the distance "Hello? Im here to take my order can you hear me?"

    The man just said that to you.
You blink your eyes, twice. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I can be so out of it sometimes, i didn't mean to be rude sir!" You exclaimed.

    "Don't worry about it, but I'd like a small coffee with 9 cups of sugar."  The man said to you.

    Damn that's a lot of sugar

   "Right away, sir." You told the man.

     You got the coffee done, added the sugar. Passed it to the man. You told him " That will be $5:99."

    "Okay, sounds good." He responded.

   He grabbed the coffee from you. Your hands touched a tad bit. Which made your face flush a little more than you'd like.

     "Have..h-have a good day sir!." You practically squeaked.

     "You too.. if it's fine if I ask, what's your name?." The man asked curiously.
   "My name is Y/N, What might yours be?." You responded to his question.

   "You have a pretty name. My name is Spencer, Reid. Dr. Spencer Reid." He responded.

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