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Chapter fifteen❝ Nobu

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Chapter fifteen

I've been locked in my room all day sulking to myself about Vinnie's comment. I'd say we got on pretty well last night and there were finally some steps towards mutual respect but that was all washed down the drain today. Back to square one, I guess. I could've shrugged his comments off if I wasn't already boggling my mind about all the other comments that I read earlier today.

I told myself that I wouldn't shed any tears over this and so far I was doing okay. I felt a ball in my chest but I pushed it away, not wanting to pity myself anymore than I already have today.

It had started raining a few moments ago creating a darker ambiance and dimming the natural light in my room. How fitting.

Suddenly there was a knock at my door snapping me out of my thoughts. "Come in."

The door opens revealing Michael. "Hey kiddo, what's up?" He asks as he sits down on my desk chair and wheels it over to where I was laying down on my bed.

"Nothing really, just reading." I gesture to the book in my hands that I only just picked up before he walked in.

"Sweet. Well, we're thinking about heading to Nobu tonight for dinner. You down?" He asks.

Nobu was one of the top restaurants that I've been dying to go to since I arrived in Los Angeles. It's super popular with the big A-list celebrities which sparked my interest.

Just as I'm about to answer, my stomach grumbled loudly making Michael chuckle. "Yeah I'm down." I reply.

"Sounds like your stomach agrees." He grinned as he stood up and began walking to the door. "We'll go at about 6:30. Be ready." He pointed at me then left my room.

I had reached the stage of hunger where I felt nauseous thinking about eating something. I want to stay home tonight and just waste away in this room but I hated it when people fussed over me and I knew that if I said I wasn't going, Mia would question it.

It was currently 4:07pm so I had a bit of time to kill. It feels like today has been dragging on forever and I couldn't wait for it to be over.

I decided that since I had nothing better to do, I would do some sort of workout.

To anyone else, it would look like those comments were driving me crazy and controlling my every move but I'd beg to differ— I was just keeping up my fitness...

I get my yoga mat out from the corner of my room and unroll it on the ground. After grabbing my laptop and setting it up next to me, I put on a movie then began my workout.

𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫.Where stories live. Discover now