Chapter 1: In the Basement

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Amber: Mom, Dad is it okay if I invite my friends over?
Mom:Sure! Why not, sweetheart?
Dad: You can ask them to stay here while we're in Hawaii.
Amber: How long are guys staying there?
Mom: If all goes well maybe we'll stay there for a week?
Amber:Okay Mom. I'll call them over and ask them to stay with me.
Dad:Bye sweetheart! Lock the doors!
Amber:Bye Mom and Dad, Be safe!
*On the Phone via group call*
Amber:Hello guys, do you wanna come to my house for a sleep over?
Nova:Yeah! Of course!
Yen and Jade: Sure!
Rose: I'll be there, too.
Hannah:Ok, count me in!
The door bell rang *Ding Dong* Amber open the door and when she saw her friends she's was so happy.
Yen:Hi Amber!
Amber:Hello, come in!
Rose:Long time no see, my fellow!
Nisha:Ahh i missed you guys so much!
Yen:Yeahh...wait where's Nova?
Jade:Oh yeahh? I thought she coming but she is not here yet?
Hannah: I heard she's busy, she might not come.
Rose:Guys come on!
Amber: you guys want to play?
They all of them said Yes!
Yen:Hmmm so what are we going to play?
Hannah:Guys, I need to use the toilet.. excuse me, nature call.
Amber: Gosh Hannah! Go!
Hannah went to the toilet.
Rose:Hannah? you done? Need to use the toilet, too!
Hannah:In her mind why can't she wait?
Rose: Hannah are you done? Open up, I'm scared to go up to Amber's room... I need to use the toilet, too!
Hannah: Bloody ache! I'll be out soon.
Nisha:What's taking Hannah so long? let's play already.
Rose: I think she's having her monthly period. I have to use the toilet too but I can still hold it.
Jade: Ok, so let's begin now?
Yen: Come on guys lets play Truth Or Dare?
They sat down and start playing Truth Or Dare...
Amber's turn to spin the bottle and the bottle pointed to Nisha.
Amber:Nisha, Truth Or Dare?
Amber:Ok umm let me think...
Nisha nodded while posting their photo on Instagram.
Amber:I dare you to stop using your phone and give it to me... now!
Nisha:For real? Okay, fine! Let me post 1 you!
Amber: Goodness! Ok, now who's next?
Nisha spin the bottle as well and it pointed to Rose this time.
Nisha:Truth Or Dare?
Rose: Truthhhh? Ok, wait... Dare? Wait wait... TRUTH!
Nisha: Final? Who's your crush?
Rose:Ummm.... Ok... ahhhhh!
Nisha:Tell us the Truth, Rose. (chuckling)
Rose: Ok Ok, it's Oliver!
Nisha:Woahhh! Oli? The Oli-oli of our group?
Rose: Guys... please please please don't tell Oliver!?
Nisha: (smirking) Oh,by the way, where's Oli? He and Nova can't be reached?!
Rose :Call them again... Is it now my turn?
After that, suddenly the light went off.
Hannah screamed in the toilet.
Hannah: Stop pranking me! Open the light!
Yen: We're not pranking you! It's really a blackout, Hannah! Just stay there, wipe your ass!
Jade were shook to death as well, he's dead scared of ghosts.
Nisha suddenly froze cause of shook.
Rose: Look guys. (Pointing out to the neighbors)
Yen: But...but...why neighbors lights are on? (Stuttering)
Amber: Let me check the Fuse Box.
Jade: Does anyone have a flashlight?!
Amber: Don't worry, I have Nisha's phone. I'll go check, stay here guys don't worry.
Yen: You sure wanna go aloneeeee, Amberrrrr?
Amber: Uhm, don't worry, it's my house. I know this best.
Amber went down to the basement to check the Fuse box
Amber:Hmm what's wrong with this Fuse box? Is it broken?
Someone is calling Nisha's phone
Killer:Hello Amber..
Amber: Yes? How did you know? This is Nisha's phone!
Killer: I know you so well.
Amber:Who are you?!
Killer: I'M YOUR FRIEND.... Amy!
Amber:My friend? Who are you?! And how do you know my hated nickname!
Killer: Shhhhh, relax..
The light went on at once.
Amber: You!? What's with the knife?
Killer: Sorry Amy not sorry!
Suddenly the killer starts stabbing Amber multiple times.
Amber: AAAAAHHH!!!
Amber tried screaming so loud that everyone heard her.
Killer: One down.
Rose:That was Ambers voice!
Yen: I'm sure it's just a cockroach!
Nisha: But we still have to check Amber!
Jade:Yeah! Let's go!
Rose,Yen, Jade and Nisha went to check to see what happened to Amber.
Yen:What happend here?
Nisha: Is that blood? Amberrrrr.... she's bleeding!
Jade: Amber! (he rushed over Amber to check)
Rose:Wait wheat is happening?
Nisha:OH NO! NO! NO!
Yen: Amber!? Wake up! Amber!
Jade:Oh my gosh!
Hannah, who was using the toilet run out to see what's happening, too
Hannah:Guys where are you! I heard someone screaming when the light went out.
Yen: Over here! Basement!
Rose: It's Amber!
Hannah:OH MY GOD!
Yen: Guys cops! We... we have to call the cops!
Jade:Guys we need to call her parents.
Yen:Call the cops now! Now Jade!
Jade:Hello 911? My friend is bleeding, No.....I think .... We think she's dead!
Yen:No pulse, no pulse! No no no!
Rose:What should we do now!?
Yen:Is the Police coming?
Jade:They'll be here in a few...
Hannah: Why... what happened here!!?
Rose is now hysterically sobbing
Nisha:Are they coming yet?
Yen:Her parents need to know!
Nisha:We need to tell them!
Hannah:Let the Police call them..
Rose: But we...we were just playing....
Yen and Jade: OH MY GOD!
Yen:There's your phone Nisha! Over there!
Jade:A knife! There's a knife next to the phone!
Rose: She was stab? Someone killed her?
Hannah:Who would killed her?!
Rose: But why will they kill her?
Hannah: Are the cops coming?
Rose:It can be anyone, it can be one of us.
Hannaha:No way! She got no enemies.
Rose:But you were not with us Hannah when Amber shouts for help!.
Hannah:Are you proposing that I killed Amber while pooping?
Nisha:Guys this is not the time to be suspiscius of each other.
Yen: Hannah? Why is there blood on your shorts?
Hannah: For hundredth times, I AM HAVING A BLOODY DAY! If you know what I mean!
Rose:Guys calm down! It's just her own blood that stained her shorts.
Nisha's:There's no way Hannah can hurt Amber
Hannah: Seriously, Yen?
Nisha:We're friend guys..
Yen: Fine, sorry okay? It's just that Amber died!
Nisha:We're all shocked... please calm down.
Hannah:I just had to change my pads and wash then lights suddenly went off and now I'm a suspect?
Rose: Please, no fighting... we'll investigate.
Nisha:That's not our job no,let the police do it.
Hannah: sobbing
Yen:I don't trust anyone now..
Yen:We can't just trust each other now.
Jade:The police is finally is here!
Rose:Help, we need help! Here, officer!
Yen: Here!
Jade:Officers! Over here sir!
The Police has finally arrived
The entire neighborhood was in shocked.
Yen:She's at the basement we think she's dead..
P.0.1:Are you guys okay? What happened here?
Jade:Yes,No! I mean someone died sir!
P.0.1:I understand that,please calm down first.
Yen:Calm down? But how? Our friend died!
P.0.1:Ok,guys you need to come with us in the station later as protocol you'll be questioned.
Hannah:(scared) Will we be okay?
The friends ride in the police car for interrogation, Amber's house is now bring investigated. Neighbors were being asked, too.
Questioning Room#1
P.0.2:What happend in the house, what were you guys doing?
Hannah:We were just playing Truth Or Dare and I suddenly need to use the toilet...
Nisha:*Sobbing*I dont, I can't remember well. I'm scared, officer.
Questioning Room #2
Rose: We were just flipping botttles doing Truth or Dare and the lights suddenly went off and we heard a scream...
Questioning Room #3
Yen:Everything happened so fast, Amber called us because her parents were out of the country she wanted us to sleep there and play...
Jade: Then there's a black out suddenly, Amber got up and check the fuse box at the basement and then we heard a scream.
The police kept on asking them questions... They all have the same answers and everyone has an alibi.
P.o:We'll call you when we have other questions. We also called her parents but we can't reach them yet. We contacted the immigration already for help.
The friends were asked to go home already... it was almost 12 midnight.
The next day, 5:00 in the morning.
Yen: Calling Jade
Jade: Hello?
Yen: I'm really suspisious of Hannah, she's the only one who's not around when Amber died.
Jade: Yen? What time is it?
Yen: Don't you agree?There's something suspiscious of her!
Jade: Yen, it's only 5 in the morning!
Yen: Yes!,and our friend died!How can you sleep so comfortably?
Jade: I'm hanging up! Let's talk once you have slept already.
Yen: You're acting strange..Jade!
Jade: Yeah? Well maybe because you wake me up and I'm still sleepy!
Yen: I'm just saying that our friend died!
Jade: I know!, I was with you!remember?!
Yen: Then how can you sleep?!
Jade: Yen!Let's talk later!
Jade furiously thrown the phone down
Yen now is suspecting Jade as well.
Yen: I need to check on Nisha,and Rose to.
Calling Rose
Rose: Yen? What is up?
Yen: What is up? What do you mean what's up? Have you forgotten about last night already?
Rose: No, yeah I don't... I'm just sleeping.
Yen: Hung up the phone
Rose: Hello?Hello?Yen? Seriously bitch?
Yen: What's wrong with these people? Aren't they supposed to worry? I need to know what's here!
Calling Nisha
Ring... ring... ring...
No answer... redialing...
Ring... ring... ring...
Hangs up.
Yen: Heck is wrong with you people! Should I ring that bisch, too? (Hannah)

End of Chapter 1

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