Chapter 2: Who Is It?

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Yen: Should I call that psychopath, too?
Yen was having a second thought whether she'll call Hannah or not because they had a fight last night when she tried being suspicious of her, then suddenly...
Knock knock knock
Yen: Who could that be? It's only 5 in the morning!
Knock knock knock
Yen: Who is it! It's still early!
Knock knock knock
Yen: Coming! Who is it!?
She opens the door and found no one... a piece of note was left on the door step.
Yen's dad: Who is it?
Yen: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! (Screamed aloud)
Yen's Mom: Yen! What happened!?
Yen's parents rushed out their room after hearing Yen screamed.
Yen's dad: Darling what's wrong?
Yen: Dad, someone left this on the door step. I'm scared dad, I'm next! I'm next!.
Yen's Mom: Why, what's next what? What's that?
Yen: Dad., mom please call the cops. Call the cops!
Yen's dad: Calm down sweetie... we'll call them.
Yen: Call the cops, dad! Please, I'm scared! Amber's already dead! I can't just calm down! Mom, help me!
Yen was hysterical already, her mom called the cops to report what happened.
Yen's dad: Thank you so much officers, here take these cups of coffee on your way back.
Yen's mom: I hope you resolve this murder mystery already, my daughter's very scared, sir.
Officer Ava: We'll do what we can, we promise we'll catch this psycho.
Officer Tim: The investigators working on it already, we'll take this piece of paper to be cross-examined for prints, this could be helpful.
Yen's mom: Oh please do take it officers. Thank you, be safe.
Officer Ava: Try to relax and sleep first, Yen. We'll call you for any news.
Yen: Thank you, please... I'm scared that I'll be the next target.
Officer Tim: Don't worry, a killer won't announce he'll kill, right? This may just be a prank, but we'll still look into it.
Yen's dad: Thank you... thank you.
The next morning in the school, an announcement was made.
Let's offer a short prayer for Amber Hill who was brutally murdered last Saturday night. May her soul rest in peace.
Teacher Mina: Yen, Rose, Jade, Nisha, Hannah you guys are asked to go to the guidance office. Grab your bags now.
Oliver: Guys what happened? Amber's dead?
Jade: We're also fazed, Oli. Good thing you and Nova weren't able to come.
Yen: The killer even sent me a death threat yesterday.
Rose: What!?
Nisha: What do you mean?
Yen: After calling all of you yesterday, I heard knocks on our door, and when I open it says GUESS WHO'S I'M COMING FOR NEXT?
Hannah: Why didn't you tell us?
Jade: Yeah, why didn't you?
Ah: Yen: I called everyone but you guys seems not to care that everyone is sleeping! Remember? Including you Hannah who, by the way was out of reach!
Hannah: I'm dead batt.
Nisha: What did you do?
Yen: We called cops! Duhhh!
Rose: What's with the sarcasm?
Yen: Well, you tell me!
Rose: You're so fucking annoying! We're just asleep what's fucking wrong with that!?
Yen: Fucking someone died and it's Amber!
Rose: As if we didn't fucking care!
Nisha: Stop it, Yen!
Yen: Why me? What did I do?
Jade: Doing what!?
Hannah: You're fucking all over the place! You think we don't care just because they're asleep or just because you can't reach me! Why not ask yourself, Yen? Why are you acting up like that? Are you guilty of something!?
Yen: Guilty of what!?
Oliver: Guys, guys, stop, stop! Please calm down, guidance room first!
Rose: Well, you stop that psycho bisch! Let's go guys!
Yen: Don't you dare bisch bisch me!
Rose: We dare you!!! We dare you, Yen!
Nisha: ENOUGH!!! The killer could be watching us now and that psycho is happily seeing us crumble! Stop it Rose, Hannah please? And shut it, Yen!
Jade: Wow, I didn't know you can also get mad, Nisha? Nice... She's right guys, let's report to the guidance office first.
Jade: It's so nice that the school gave us a week of to shake off our trauma.
Oliver: I'm jealous!
Rose: Of what?
Oliver: Kidding guys, I'm just breaking the ice among you.
Nisha: But who could have sent that letter to you, Yen?
Yen: That's what puzzling me, too.
Hannah: Well maybe the killer wants us to play guessing game?
Jade: We need to solve this guys, we need to help Amber.
Rose: But how?
Nisha: Should we go back to Amber's?
Hannah: Wait, Yen...aren't there any cctvs on your street? I mean, it may have caught that person's glimpse...
Yen: Don't you think the police didn't do that?
Rose: What's with the sarcasm again?
Nisha: I think what Hannah is trying to say is we can also be a detective?
Jade: That's what am saying, too! Let's go ask for your neighbor's help, cameras from cars may have caught it, too.
Rose: I'm in! Count me in! I don't know with Yen,  she's all this crazy wanna-solve the murder then suddenly started attacking all of us kind of bisch!
Yen: I am not attacking anyone! I am not the bad guy here!
Hannah: Coming from you? You just suspected all of us!
Oli: Enough you girls! Okay? count me in as well.
Nisha: So where do we start?
The friends gathered into Yen's house that afternoon and started considering all things.
Yen: Here's the picture of the note:

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