New People *rewritten*

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The lack of noise made the overall situation worse, in movies there were at least some faced paced orchestras to keep the characters company. But, all you could hear was the pounding of your heart, your harsh breaths, and the steady sound of tires driving on the dusty roads on the outskirts of town. You wished there was a dreamy haze to this because that would mean you'd be waking up at any moment now. But your senses, now heightened by adrenaline, told you that you were very lucid and very fucked.

Your physical bearing in this situation was not any better. Your ass didn't dare touch the seat, instead, you arched your back as best you would with the limited space. One hand was planted on the window and the other was wrapped around the headrest. Your feet were touched the floor but only by your toes. You felt like a cat in a carrier and certainly looked like it too.

Outside you could barely see anything passed the lights of the driverless car that just kidnapped you. You could tell you were out of town, just barely able to see the sign when you went passed it. The endless elementary PSAs about your chances of survival dropping the second you let your kidnapper relocate you reared their ugly heads and voices in your mind.

Communication was worthless, your kidnapper only spoke in odd tones and beeps. Even if you could understand them, your primal and scared brain made you yelp and smack the radio the first time it tried, drawing a low beep as a response.

OK! Ok—fuck—come on! Think! Just think!

You racked your head around for something to escape, or at least increase your chances of survival. You squeezed your eyes tight, digging through the memories of endless PSAs and lectures. Your hand squeezed around the headrest, nails digging into the fabric and knuckles turning white.

Damn—just—come on!


The headrest.

You spun around, hands fluttering against the seat until you found a button to press. You tried to yank the headrest off, but it only lifted, refusing to come off completely. You scowled, but that wasn't going to stop you. You wrapped your whole arm around the headrest and braced your knees against the seat. With all your strength you pulled.

Frantic beeps wailed from the radio.

You pulled again, putting all your body into it, you could hear metal pop and strain as the headrest was now looser but not yet free.

The beeps become louder and quicker.

You pulled once more and the headrest came free with a snap and pop of the metal.

The beeps now sounded pained, but you didn't give a damn. You were surviving this.

You took the headrest and used the previously connected metal rods to beat at the window. The tinted glass crackled, but you couldn't hear it over the alien, wails of your kidnapper. The glass was tough, but your continued efforts make it crack more and more. Cracks growing like spider webs. You gritted your teeth and prepared, leaning back for more momentum.

"WILL YOU SHUT UP—" Was your battle cry as you stabbed the glass one final time. The window shattered, pieces flying onto the road and some fall onto you and the seat.

Your hair flailed in the sudden rush of wind, but you fought against the rush. Reaching out the window, you pulled the door open from the outside. You covered your head with your hands and rolled out of the vehicle.

You rolled, painfully, onto the mixture of sand, dust, and clay that stained and tinted your clothes and skin. You groaned but quickly got up nonetheless.

Red Glass In Red Sand [Autobots x reader]Where stories live. Discover now