Night-Wrath and the Lost Temple

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Scene: A huge Egyptian temple half-buried in sand. It's a movie set, lost in the dunes of Death Valley since the 1940s! It seems to be deserted, except for a small, cloaked figure creeping through the shadows of the temple pillars. Her purple cape flutters in the cold breeze of the temple ruins. The eyes in her mask glow a vibrant green. She is... the NIGHTWRATH!

NIGHTWRATH: Show yourself!

Her voice echoes through the empty temple hall. There is no response. Then, the sound of moving sand. Mummies—the foul minions of THE EMBALMER—are crawling up out of the earth! With a snap, the NIGHTWRATH unfolds her shock-staff and spins it in her hands.

NIGHTWRATH: Your monsters can't stop me!

The mummies are closing in on her, but NIGHTWRATH is not afraid. SMACK! She downs the first mummy with her staff. BZZZ! Another falls before her. But the mummies are surrounding her. She's outnumbered! With a cool laugh, NIGHTWRATH reaches into her pocket.

NIGHTWRATH: They never learn.

She throws a black capsule at her feet and the ground bursts in flames! The mummies groan and recoil as the fire spreads, but they can't escape! Within seconds, every zombie is burnt to ashes. The NIGHTWRATH chuckles ominously.

NIGHTWRATH: Is that the best you've got, EMBALMER?

Suddenly, a robed figure emerges from the shadows at the far end of the temple. He wears a jackal mask and holds a long, evil knife in his right hand. His left arm is wrapped around his prisoner—MAZEL, a close friend of the NIGHTWRATH.

MAZEL: Help!

She struggles against his grip, but to no avail.

EMBALMER: You've come all this way for nothing, NIGHTWRATH! You can't save her. She's mine! I think I will harvest her brain first.

NIGHTWRATH: I won't let you hurt my friends!


EMBALMER: I have something special prepared for you, NIGHTWRATH. Being on this old movie set has inspired me. What more fitting way for the NIGHTWRATH to meet her end, than being devoured by the FRANKEN-JACKAL!

The entire temple shakes. Out of the sand, a hulking figure—half Frankenstein, half Egyptian jackal—rises until it towers over NIGHTWRATH. Its body is held together by stitches, and its sharp teeth drip with menace.

NIGHTWRATH: Hmph. No abomination of yours can defeat me.

She raises her staff high over her head, and electric sparks flash their light across the chamber.

EMBALMER: You fool! My FRANKEN-JACKAL lives by the power of electricity. Your petty weapons cannot harm him.

NIGHTWRATH: We'll see about that!

She brings down her staff and a bolt of lighting arcs through the air towards the FRANKEN-JACKAL. With a hiss and a crack, the electricity strikes him in the chest.

The FRANKEN-JACKAL howls and squirms, but is unhurt. Filled with rage, it lunges at NIGHT-WRATH, who escapes with a backwards somersault. Casting aside her shock-staff, NIGHTWRATH unwinds her grappling hook and begins swinging it over her head.

NIGHTWRATH: I'm just getting started.

She throws her grappling hook, which wraps around the neck of the FRANKEN-JACKAL. The monster tries to break free, but NIGHTWRATH's grip is firm. She loops the other end of her rope around a temple pillar and ties it tight.

NIGHTWRATH: Now, you fiend—-come and get me.

The monster staggers forward with a roar, snapping with its long teeth. Nightwrath springs backwards, disappearing into a cloud of black smoke. The FRANKEN-JACKAL leaps after her, but it can't escape from the grappling line around its neck! The huge beast chokes and gasps, straining against the cord.

NIGHTWRATH: That's right. Just... a little... closer...

The FRANKEN-JACKAL lunges towards NIGHTWRATH with all its strength—he's fallen into her trap! With a creak, the temple pillar crashes down onto the FRANKEN-JACKAL, extinguishing the undeath created by THE EMBALMER's mad science.

EMBALMER: No! My greatest creation!

NIGHTWRATH: And your last.

NIGHTWRATH leaps through the air as THE EMBALMER swings his dagger and thrusts his prisoner aside. They fight each other in an EPIC BATTLE that shakes the foundations of the temple. Finally, as the dust settles, MAZEL sees THE EMBALMER lying beaten on the floor, with NIGHTWRATH's boot on his chest.

EMBALMER: No... it can't be...

NIGHTWRATH binds his hands with her unbreakable handcuffs. A few paces away, MAZEL winces as she gets to her feet.

NIGHTWRATH: MAZEL! Are you okay?

MAZEL: I'm fine. I knew my friend would save me.

They hug. The NIGHTWRATH takes off her mask. Her long raven hair falls to her shoulders.

NIGHTWRATH: Come on. Let's get back home.

The two friends join hands and set out into the desert, leaving the lost temple behind them to disappear into the sands of Death Valley. 

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