Chapter 6

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Gothalia strode the halls of the Cetatea, her mind distant and her anger at L'Eiron forgotten. She knew she couldn't blame him, and she knew she couldn't stay mad at him, for something that was literally out of his hands. If anything, it was Michalis's fault and everyone higher up from the Triarius.

Gothalia halted, deep in thought, she had come to realise, even after everything that happened in the Earth Reserve and growing up in this Reserve, that Anaphora or L'Eiron couldn't protect them from everything. Gothalia lips quivered as she thought of Anton and Maximus. Their deaths were proof of that fact. It was exactly how L'Eiron predicted all those years ago. She knew she'd be next. When? Was another story. She folded her features into an unreadable expression as her eyes took in the presence of the other Centurions at the end of the hall.

Gothalia's brows furrowed in thought, as she gazed ahead at a blond-haired Centurion casually talking with other female Centurions and a male Legionnaire. She knew none of them were Deamone; they were Angelus. She could sense it in them, and it frightened her. The dangers that came with their presence was always a haughty reminder.

She took in the woman's bright cheery expression as she spoke to her group and the casual conversation that flowed. Even the Legionnaire Gothalia noticed, remained just as casual and just as cheery. She frowned, wondering what that would be like, to be so carefree. A concept Gothalia had learnt long ago, she never had the luxury of. People like her never did.

Gothalia forced her feet to move past them and listened as the conversation that bubbled loudly along the halls, stopped at her presence. She saw from the corner of her eye, as they watched her walk past, with less than cheery expressions. Gothalia closed her eyes and internally sighed before opening her eyes, pressing on and exiting the hall.

She paused around the corner, their discussion continued but this time, she was the main topic of their conversation. Turning her heel, she strode the silent moiré hall before arriving at the Artillery and Combat Zone. The two double sliding doors she paused before required her to scan her security card. When she did, the doors welcomed her presence, as she entered.

The laboratory was built with clean marble floors and lined by empty sterile tables; off to the side were untouched winding experiments that often flooded the room.

Arthur, clad in his usual white laboratory coat, marked notes on a clipboard.

"Arthur." Gothalia greeted. At the sound of her voice, he paused, watching her steadily and with mild curiosity. She smiled at him; then her eyes drifted to the petri dish on the table.

"What brings you here?" His eyes drifted to the wall clock, aware of the early hour of the morning. Internally, he sighed. He'd stayed out all night when he'd promised himself, he would not. Then turned his attention to Gothalia. He caught the tiredness in her posture even if her eyes were filled with unwarranted determination and curiosity. A smile graced his lips, content to know he wasn't the only one exhausted.

"I'm hoping you could help me. I'm after information about Numitora. I know it's a bit of a stretch, but why does she hate me so much?"

"What gave you that idea?" Arthur asked carefully.

"The anger in her eyes when she looked at me before she tried to kill me. It was brief, but it was there. It was . . . pure hatred and nothing more. It reminded me of those times . . ." Gothalia wrapped her arms around herself, not realising her reaction hadn't escaped Arthur.

"Well for starters, did you know that Xzandian scales retract under artificial sunlight?"

"Wait . . . Xzandians . . .?" Gothalia inquired, surprised by the change in topic.

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