Chapter 10

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While I was laying down in bed scrolling on on my phone I got 2 text notifications from RiRi

~The Homescreen~

RiRi: 1 Attachment: photo

RiRi:Aren't they so cute together ❤️^

When I opened her text message and saw a picture of Kayden and Ma'laysia kissing on each other my mouth dropped I ended up having a outburst


I felt my blood boil seeing that but I had to remind myself don't let it get to me because I only used her ..but apart of me was beginning to grow feelings for her ..I was in denial about it like c'mon now ..she's supposed to be my sister ..she started it first admitting to me ..I only told her to take off her clothes to see if she was really about it and thought she was joking but clearly she wasn't ..when I heard voices outside my window I looked and saw Loak and Ma'laysia this point I just wanted to slap the shit outta both of them I got up and walked down to the back door once they were about to open it slow I swung it open blocking them  from coming inside .

Loak-Bro move out the way !

Neteyam-No ! what the fuck were y'all thinking !? It's literally 3:00am in the got damn morning

Ma'laysia-The real question is why are you even up


Neteyam-I been up the whole time watching videos on my phone then I heard a loud ass noise downstairs I went to Loak room to ask if he heard it but guess what?he wasn't their !so I went to your room you wasn't their either ! Then I checked Kiri and Tuk was still in their room so I took my ass down the stairs and ended up finding the back door unlocked dumb asses!

Ma'laysia-Stop stressing yourself before you start growing grey hairs

Neteyam-Shut up

Loak-Bro chill damn ! all we did was go have a little fun that's all

Neteyam-Mm ...a little fun alright

~He looked at Ma'laysia

Ma'laysia-Who told you where we were !?

I looked at Lay as if she just didn't hear me explain how I found out they were gone the whole time I tried my hardest not to get irritated so fast I'm always stuck having to watch after my siblings like they're my own kids at this point

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