Chapter 20: The Promise

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It doesn't even take five minutes for him to reach her. The moment she told him where she was he ran without so much as a second thought. It didn't matter that the sun had already set and the streetlights were the only things guiding him.

He just couldn't bare the thought of her crying all alone. And for some reason he felt guilty about it. Somehow, this was his fault. She's crying because of him. He brought this upon her.

"Why do you do that?"

She had asked him that one day. Out of the blue. They were sitting under a tree in the park. She'd been crying, he doesn't even remember why anymore.

"Do what?"

He sat next to her, his arm around her waist and his other hand wiping away the tears from her (e/c) eyes.

"Apologize to me. When you don't need to."

He couldn't respond to her fast enough.

"Take the blame for something you didn't do. Beat yourself up... when it isn't your fault."

He shrugged. At a loss for words. It's not something he had ever had to think about before. It wasn't even something he even realized he did.

"I... don't know. Maybe it's because I've been taught that apologies can mediate a situation. It always seems to calm Mama down when she's upset."

Possibly, it was here when he discovered that his mother wasn't the best person. But he could tell she was trying her best. It's not like she was physically abusing her children. She cared for them.

  "Don't ever feel like you have to apologize to me... unless you're at fault. Please. It won't meditate my situation. So just... don't beat yourself up."

  But (Y/n)? She's always there for him. Even when she's upset. For some reason, she'd shove her feelings aside for him. He never asked this of her. In fact, he always despised this. But he can't help but wonder if it's because she never wanted to deal with her own feelings.

  Deflecting the problem until it no longer seemed to matter. Until it was the last thing on her plate. So getting this call, hearing her cry again, he knew that it was important. It's been years since she last asked him for help.

  He stops a few feet away from her, gazing at her silhouette being cascaded in the moonlight. She's breathtaking. Everything about her makes his heart race and ache. Her head turns and he can see the tears glisten in the pale light.

  "Katakuri..." she breathes out and he runs to her, wrapping his strong arms around her frame. This causes her to rest her hands on his chest and her body shakes as she more tears start rushing down her cheeks. "I'm sorry... I didn't want to call on you for help anymore... but you're the only one I could trust."

  "It's okay, (Y/n)," he keeps one of his arm around her waist, but moves his other hand up to her head and stokes her hair. "I'm here for you. I made a promise to always protect you. Seeing you like this makes me feel like I've failed."

  She shakes her head profusely, yet no words come out of her mouth. He doesn't need them though. She doesn't need to say anything to him. Holding her in his arms like this is more than enough for him.

  I love you. He pulls her closer to his chest, placing her head in the crook of her neck. He takes a deep breath. Why can't I speak those words? If I were to speak them, would she believe me?

Time seems to stop as he gets lost in his thoughts. He wants to ask questions. But he won't pressure her to talk. So he'll just be here and wait for her to be ready. He'd wait forever if she needs it. He'd hold her until the world ends, if it came to that.

  "Theon set up a date for us. So after I arrived home, I got ready and left," she finally speaks, her voice is so soft it couldn't been blown away by the wind. "And I saw him having a conversation with someone in an alleyway. They seemed to be arguing. I overheard something about money. I heard Theon say he would have it soon. But the other man didn't like that answer. So Theon pulled out a knife... and he stabbed him. Right in front of me. He didn't even hesitate."

"The look on his face was terrifying," she grabs onto Katakuri's shirt. "I don't know what to do. What did he mean? How could he do that? Katakuri. I just... I don't understand. I know it's presumptuous, but is he planning on killing my family for our wealth? Or using extortion? Katakuri... tell me I'm going crazy please. Tell me I'm overthinking."

"That must have been terrifying for you. I'm sorry you had to witness that," The red-haired male takes in a deep breath. He'd love nothing more than to give her hope, but perhaps it'd be better to gather some intel. "Would you want me to investigate this matter, (Y/n)?"

"Investigate?" she pulls away from the embrace, wiping her eyes with the sleeves of the dress she's wearing. "What's there to investigate?"

"The matter of the money they were discussing," he grabs her hand before she gets to far away from him. "(Y/n), I vow to you, I will do whatever you want. Tell me what it is you desire. If all you wish is for me to comfort you, then I shall do that."

"But if you want answers," he kneels down, their gazes locking with each other. "I'll dig up everything I can on Theon. No stone will be left unturned. I will protect you until the day I die."

Many emotions flash across her face, "You don't... actually mean you think something suspicious could be going on, do you?"

"I hope not, (Y/n)," he shakes his head, this isn't something he can speak on with certainty. He's never heard of Theon. He just showed up one day. "But I'd rather dig and find nothing, than find out too late and have something happen to you... my precious... friend."

"Then I beg you," she closes her eyes, letting out another shakes break. "Please investigate this matter, Katakuri. I won't feel safe until I know the answer."

He brings her hand up to his lips and places a kiss upon it, "It's a promise, (Y/n). I will not rest until I have some kind of news for you."

"Do not push yourself. I'd rather you be healthy. You're also very special to me," She leans down, placing a kiss onto his forehead.

They both swallow words they'd like to say. They both hold back actions they would have liked to take. Even though he promised her his protection, it wasn't a profession of his love. It couldn't even hold a candle to the undying loyalty he has for her. He must protect her before anything else. Once she's safe, then, and only then, would he feel comfortable enough to confess.

-Chapter 20: The Promise End-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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