Chapter 8: Premonition

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  The last two months seem to be blur, he can't remember anything that happened all he knows is that today is (Y/n)'s wedding. Apparently he was invited, he doesn't even know the man she's marrying, but somehow she talked him into inviting them. Or maybe it was her parents, whatever the case is, it doesn't really matter.
His siblings aren't talking to him, they won't tell him anything. They all seem like they're mad about it even coming to this. No one's acknowledging his presence. He feels, oddly off about everything.
The next thing he knows, he's already at her wedding. He looks around, this has to be a dream. There's no way that it's reality. He usually has great memory, but the past two months are fuzzy.
  He doesn't know. He tries not to care, but suddenly the Bridal Chorus is being played, he's standing up against his own will, and (Y/n) walks down the isle. She looks so beautiful, but she always looks beautiful.
  Her dress fit her perfectly, if he had to guess, it was everything she wanted in her wedding gown. It's not like he knew anyway, this is just his dream. He can swear she's crying though, he doesn't understand, he never thought that the bride cries at their wedding while they're walking down the isle.
  Then again, he's never been to an actually wedding, so what does he know. She gets to the end of the alter and everyone takes their seats. The preacher clears his throat, his eyes grazing over the crowd of people.
  Katakuri just now noticing the man that she's marrying. He has dark hair, he can't see what actual color it is, but it's a dark color. He has this sinister look across his face, his eyes look void of anything.
  "Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join (Y/n) (L/n) and Theon Burns in matrimony..." he zones out for the next few sentences, but something makes his attention snap back. "If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace."
  Silence. He can feel his siblings staring at him, Mama too, but he couldn't say anything. She was crying, people cry at wedding because they're happy. She changed her mind about not wanting to get married and-
  "I object!" everyone's heads snap in the direction of the voice that nearly echoed in the quiet room. "I can't sit by and have a man ruin my brother's life. He was the one that's supposed to marry (Y/n)! That man is nothing compared to him. They've been friends since childhood and I don't get why he doesn't understand that he love her, but he does! And I can guarantee that he was close to figuring it ou-"
  "Cracker, sit down please," (Y/n) speaks softly, her gaze set on Katakuri instead of the purple-haired brother. "Katakuri made up his mind... and I'm happy with Theon. He... makes me happy. I invited you because I thought that you wouldn't make a scene. So please just sit down and let me get married."
  "You're being ridiculous!" he cries out before Perospero covers his mouth and drags him out of the ceremony. "Perospero, don't you want-"
  "If that's all, then let us continue," the priest starts again. This time it stays silent, (Y/n) never takes her eyes off of Katakuri.
  Not until the dark-haired woman stealer lifts her veil and steals her lips. Katakuri close his eyes and lets out a sigh, Cracker why'd he do that?
  "Hey, Katakuri! Are you alright?" Perospero waves his cane in front of his face. "You zoned out while we were in the middle of a conversation, Perorin♪."
  "I did?" he mumbles under his breath. "Then I wasn't dreaming?"
  "Dreaming? Of what? It's not like you to day dream," he sighs out and takes a seat on the table. "You do remember what we were talking about, Perorin♪?"
  "Yeah, we were talking about marriage and engagements," Katakuri ponders over what he just witnessed. Had he daydreamed it, really? "Perospero, do you believe in premonitions?"
  "Premonitions? As in a strong feeling that something is about to happen?" he hums and nods. "Of course. Animals know when a storm is coming, so why can't humans as well?"
  "I'm not talking about the feeling," he stares out the window. "I'm talking about seeing things, I just saw (Y/n)'s wedding to a man named Theon. Brother, what do you think that means?"
  "I think you're worried," he closes his eyes and thinks. "But it's happened before. It's rare, but there has been some cases, Perorin♪."
  He nods his head, it still doesn't make sense. Even if it was a premonition, it still doesn't answer the question of why Cracker got upset, "I have a question, why is love so important? If I were to show up at a wedding and claim to love the woman getting married, would it be a good reason for the wedding to be cancelled?"
  "Perorin♪, in this world, love is a sacred thing. No one is willing to mess with it," he closes his eyes, he already knows where this question comes from. "So to answer your question, if the woman at the wedding loves you back, yes. Your love, could be enough to stop the wedding."
  When Katakuri speaks next, his voice is low, and the words he said shocked him, "And if she doesn't love me?"
  "Then you move on," Perospero talks quietly as well. "But if it's (Y/n), we're talking about, she'd choose you over any guy. Katakuri, if you're asking me... I think that when we were younger it was wrong of me to tell you to hide your face, Perorin♪."
  "No, it wasn't," Katakuri looks back at his brother, he can see the guilt on his face. "It was a blessing. I had friends because of it."
  "Where are your friends now Katakuri? You only have two left, and one of them won't be able to be your friend for much longer if you don't open up your goddamn eyes and tell her that you want to marry her!" he huffs before adjusting his hat. "Listen, you'll never meet another (Y/n). You're never going to fall in love again. Figure it out, because it's apparent to everyone else but the two of you that you're meant to be, Perorin♪."

-Chapter 8: Premonition End-

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