Chapter I

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     Running through the dark and wide alleyway of the smaller part of the city, the man clad in black turned to see if his pursuer was still following him. Seeing that nobody was behind him, he stopped to breathe for a minute only to feel a stabbing pain in his leg. Biting back a gasp of pain, he looked down to see a silver misty tendril embedded into his flesh. The man looked up to see a shadowy feminine figure with soulless white eyes stalking towards him. " Well, this little chase has been entertaining. Most fun I've had in a long time~. Two years to be exact " The figure dragged out the "o" teasingly as she stabbed another tendril into his other leg. " Two. long. Ass. Years. "

     He couldn't stop the scream of pain from escaping his lips as two more tendrils of silver mist impaled the man in his side.

     The man sprawled out onto the ground in pain as the dark figure loomed over him with sadistic satisfaction. " This has to be one of the pettiest reasons for a mission. I mean, having your house broken into is pretty frustrating, I will admit. But having a hit put on someone for it.... Actually, I see why. " She stepped on his shoulder and smirked as she heard yet another satisfying crack as the bone popped out of its socket under the force of her foot.

     " This is getting boring, I've got other shit to do, someone to visit- "

     The girl grunted in surprise as she was cut off by a headbutt from the guy as he tried to escape one last time. She licked the blood that was trickled out of the scratch on her lip and smirked widely. " Hey! Now that was pretty brave of a weakling like you! Pretty pathetic though, especially for what you did, that would take some guts that you clearly no longer have. Or at least you won't have in a minute. What, did you pull that outta your ass last second or. something? "

     She stomped on his arm, hearing a satisfying crack followed by a scream of pain, successfully stopping him from trying to crawl away.

     Knowing that this was the end of his line, the man turned to get a better look at his killer. Her body looked like a shadow would, with skin as black as the light polluted starless night above and long, fluffy, very dark purple hair tied up in a high ponytail with messy bangs covering parts of her forehead and half of her right eyes. Her eyes. They were a milky white with no sign of emotion or life. Only a small black slit to be seen, if you squinted. Her attire consisted of a black halter neck crop top with a hood, and black jean shorts with mid-leg combat boots.

     Laughing, the girl formed the mist that once took the form of tendrils into a large scythe. She looked down at the quivering man in amusement, " Well, have any last words before I paint the concrete with your blood? " The man stayed silent. " Wow, I at least thought that you would say something about a friend or family member. " She stated. " I don't have any friends, and my family left me, I'm alone... " The man whimpered as he looked down in sadness.

" Rough man. Well, think of it this way, at least you won't be alone anymore. " The assassin said with fake sympathy.

     The man's eyes widened in fear as she brought the scythe down on the crook of his neck. Blood splattered on the wall and ground as the two pieces of his body hit the ground with a wet splat.

     Nightshade groaned loudly at the fact that she would have to get in the shower with the blood all over her formerly clean body and clothes. " Well, maybe that wouldn't happen if you didn't toy with your targets so much, Shady " A deep voice came from behind her. Turning around, Nightshade came face to face- well, chest, with her brother.

     Nightshade's brother looked just like her, with his fluffy, dark purple, almost black hair down a bit past his shoulders, his pitch black skin, and milky white eyes with microscopic slit pupils. The only differences between them were their height, with Nightshade being about a head and a half shorter than him, and their attire, Nightfall wearing baggy dark blue pants and a black muscle shirt with, " Bitch Please " ,written in green across the front.

     " You're one to talk. Why are you even here Nightfall? I thought you had three more targets. '' Nightshade said with her hand on her hip and scythe slung over her shoulder in her other hand.

     " I took care of mine because I've got other shit to do today besides playing cat and mouse.  " He said while mimicking his twin's movements.

     Nightshade rolls her eyes, " Fair enough. I've got someone to visit tonight anyway,  " She said while walking past her brother deeper into the alleyway. She knelt down to the ground and softly placed her hand on the bloodied concrete. The mist around them seemed to swirl for a moment before opening a silver portal. 

     " Well, don't take forever. You never know when another mission will pop up. " Nightfall told her with a very small smirk. Nightfall rolled her eyes at him with a small smile of her own. " Yeah yeah, I'll get there. Now get movin' before I decide to close this thing and leave you here to get back yourself. "

     " I'm not incapable, this is just easier. " Nightfall spoke before turning and leaning backwards into the portal. Nightshade shook her head with a smirk at her brother's antics, turning in the direction of the forest.

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