Confusion (3)

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Amira's POV

"Yeah, I agree. That's not Maisie."

Walking out of that restaurant behind Lily and seeing the reaction Taylor had was one of the hardest things I've, well, EVER had to do.

Sorry to Maisie who won't wanna hear this, but it's not very hard to differentiate the love of my life from an imposter. Now, I'm not a stalker, but I have pictures of her up in my room, and every now and again, I'll study her expressions and her eyes. It's made me hyper aware of her looks, and I don't need some stupid sibling to tell me what to do. I know what I'm talking about.


There's always this distant look that she seems to carry, and it's just so interesting to me. With Maisie, I'd recognise her expression in a heartbeat.

That person who'd come in, no matter what she was saying, that wasn't Maisie. Her hair looked like it was completely dyed, or even a wig, and the length was completely different. Of course, she could've gotten a haircut, but Maisie cared so much about her looks, and she'd never wanted to cut her hair, just in case she didn't like it later, so she'd always left it as is.

Also, her clothes? Her style? They weren't ever changing. That girl in there didn't know shit about her actual style and agenda. The glasses were different, Maisie preferred to wear a full lens over contacts and thin lenses (I'm not even sure if that's a real thing), because she didn't like how they looked.

Also, her hair being half up half down? Don't even get me started on that. It's either fully up of fully down, and that's it.

Sorry, how do I know all this? Uhm... you know how I said I wasn't a stalker? Yeah, scrap that. I am, but not to that big of an extent. Bitch, I don't even know her address.

But in fareness, the person did try to replicate Maisie. She really did try, but did it work? To some, I suppose yeah, she did convince them. But for me and Lily (and I'm surprised not Scarlett too), we saw through her disguise. She reminded me of someone from my past, but I just couldn't place who.

"Hey, Amira?"

Ah. Lily.

"Yah? What's up, you look worried."

"So you know how Taylor got an email from, uh, quote on quote, "Maisie"? Well, I've just got one that could have a correlation."

"Why do you know big words now-"

"Don't ask, blame Scarlett. Forget about that! Look at the damn email!"

To : DuckGalQu4ck*********
From : Mazsy092********
Subject : Trust

Hey. You don't believe me, do ya? Oh well, no use trying to persuade you, is there? Honestly, thought Scarlett would be in the same boat as you both! But clearly not. Don't tell ANYONE that you've been sent this, or else M takes her revenge.
At 12:30 on the dot tomorrow, go to *********** factory, and all your questions will be answered. See you there. It's for Her own good.
~Ma.P + A.M

"You've actually gotta be kidding me."

"That's Alex's initials, isn't it? He- He never left, did he..?"

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