Chapter 1: The man in black

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Kazuha's POV-
Another regular day for me. I fed my cat food first before I leave and lock the house. I rode on my bicycle and cycled to the shop opening it and letting customers inside to admire the flowers and bonsai on display. A few hours of opening the shop I closed it from 10:00-2:30pm as I still have class to go to.

I went to the school and was greeted by my friend Aether "Kazuha! Good morning" "Good morning Aether still as bright as usual" we talked and chatted for a  moment while walking to our rooms "Speaking of something Kazuha, did you hear about the ice skating show tonight?" "Ice skating show?" "That's right! I brought an extra ticket for you incase you want to watch it! Well I have to go now later Kazuha" "W-wait Aether! What ice skating show?!"

But it was no use as Aether already ran to his class, I looked at the ticket Aether gave, huh so the show starts at 8pm. I thought of what I should do to the ticket while listening to my teacher rant during class, maybe I should go and watch it.

Class ended and I opened the shop once more until 5:00 pm. More and more customers eventually came buying dendrobrium, pardisarahs, glaze lilies, silk flowers, qingxins, cecilias and other kind of flowers, some also bought bonsais of different colors. I sealed the orders properly and checked for any damages before giving it to the client "Thank you for buying come again!" Eventually it was already 5:00 pm and I had to close the shop, I went back home to change my clothes and feed my cat. Before leaving I offered incense and foods to the picture of my mother and father at the side of the room

-Kazuha: Mother, father here's dinner and a few incense. I'll be leaving now please watch the house and tama from heaven.

I left the house once again and went to the skating studio. The line outside was pretty long and the inside was very crowded, I took a seat at the 4th row at the left aisle. The show was pretty good but one particular part of the show left me mesmerized for eternity.

The studio's lights closed which led everyone shocked. A few seconds later a source of light was finally opened but the he only part being shone by the light was the ice skating ring. There stood a figure of a man with violet indigo hair in black; along with a girl with sky blue hair in a ponytail wearing white with imprints of sakura petals on her skirt and top.

The two of them danced gracefully together as everyone clapped and cheered for them. But I focused on the man in black. The way he danced, swayed and skated so gracefully in the ice while having the wind follow him carrying petals of cherry blossoms to add an effect to his beautiful face. It make me want to control time so I can watch him for eternity.

Their part ended after 7 minutes and the girl being held by the man in his arms. So he's taken... I missed my chance.

Scaramouche's POV-
Before our part was about to end I finished with a spin and the pulled Ayaka closer to me for a grand pose as an ending. The audience cheered and clapped for the two of us as we waved back and exited the ring and back to our dressing rooms.

The moment we got there me and Ayaka tried to cath our breath and drank lots of water

-Scaramouche: Holy shit my head is still spinning shouldn't have done that spin at the end!

-Ayaka: Yeah no shit sherlock! I still can't beleive we have to do that pose at the end, it's horrendous now alot of people will suspect we're dating!

-Scaramouche: Yeah. And the fact your girlfriend Lumine was watching us in the crowds with her brother. She'll probably murder me for getting to close to you.

-Ayaka: She'l probably just tell you to not get your hands too close to me, after all she does know you're gay.

-Scaramouche: Tsk!

Ayaka grabbed her clothes and left the room to change in another room while I changed here. I remove the chains on my pants first then the corset and changed into something more comfotable. God the show was tiring as hell.

Kazuha's POV-
After the show finally ended I went back home and finished some of my assignments before going to sleep. All night all I could think was the man in black and how beautiful he looked like on the ice. Will I see him again?

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