Chapter 3: A story waiting to be saved

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Kazuha's POV-
Ever since that day I visited him again and again until it eventually turned into an everyday visit. His beautiful face I just can't seem to get enough of it like he was some type on angel gifted by the heavens and was sent down here.

I never knew his name because the both of us live on different sides of life. His side is full of fame, fortune and luck; while mine is full of despair and sinking in sorrow. He is inside a giant line of circle which I wouldn't dare to cross, and so I continued watching him just from far away.

I would go to the ring just to see him, admire him, write about him or draw him. He became my inspiration and finally showed me the true meaning of colors and ethereal beauty. He truly is such an angel.

Scaramouche's POV-
Ever since 3 months ago a man has been going here every single day, he would always bring out his book along with either his pen or pencil and start what seems to look like sketching.

He would look at me then smile then look back to his book before leaving. This happened everysingle day, until one time while I was practicing for a big competion that was gonna be held in 2 weeks.

I didn't notice the familiar guy with a red streak, he didn't show up for 5 days so I thought that he will finally stop visiting the ring. Until then, he visited once again took out his materials and started sketching or doing whatever he desires.

Dawn was beginning, getting ready to set down for the nightfall to take place. The man eventually took a leave as I packed my bags and ready to go home. I turned the keys opening my apartment and laid on the lounge.

I started opening the windows to let some fresh air inside to not turn the atmosphere high while I'm cooking. After I finished cooking and eating; I looked through the latest teyvat news on my phone and found nothing interesting. I opened my chats and decide to call my parents to check up on them.


Scaramouche: How have you been

Ei: I'm fine dear. Call you later I have
an ongoing meeting with the Tenryou

*Chat ended*


Scaramouche: Hi Mom

Yae: Hello Kuni. Is there something
you need?

Scaramouche: Not at all. Can we
have a call?

Yae: Sorry Kuni, I'm currently unavailable.
I'm currently waiting for a dealer that will arrive
in a minute for my next audition.

*Chat ended*

I settled my phone down at the coffee table and sat at the lounge. I wondered if my Mother will ever call just like she said in the chat, I waited and waited until 5 hours and none of my parents messaged me back. It has always been like this ever since I was a child. I never got any attention from my parents, I want them to love me and notice me. I want to hate them, but I can't because they never gave anything back that could make me hate them.

Even with all the attention and fame I got in the sports industry it was never enough for my parents to notice me. I made it to other regions, news and to tops yet I was still in the shaddow. My Mother: Raiden Ei is the head of the Inzauma Government Offcials; while My Mom: Raiden Yae is a famous actor and novelists and had been on the tops of the entertainment industry for many years.

For 5 years now I had been skating and participating, which got my name famous considering I have "Raiden" on it. I was noticed and loved all over Teyvat but not by my parents, I got what I wanted to be loved and be noticed but I still haven't learned on how to love back. I want to learn what love really means, can I ever be loved? Maybe time will tell if that event will ever occur in the near future.

Kazuha's POV-
White cloth, needles, pulse monitors, pills and wires.

Ever since I got the same disease my mother had, I've been going in and out of the hospitals like it was some sort of confinement for me. Constant examinations, blood samples, needles they keep testing me and examining me like it was going to help me survive. It just kept giving the same result each time; confirming that I really have the disease and it is getting worst and worst as time goes by.

I can hardly go to school anymore because of my state so I take online classes instead. No one knew about my disease except for my doctor and cat. Everyday I would either wake up in a hospital room or my bed fighting to keep awake and move.

The only motivation or inspiration that helps me to keep going is him. I don't know why or how but there is something in him that makes me want to not give up telling me to not die in this disease. But that motivation and inspirations keeps dying; like a single petal of a cherry blossom slowly withering away the longer time goes by. I want to continue living to give someone my last breath of love to them.

No one's POV-
Kazuha continued to try getting better and recover from his disease to continue visiting the ring. He would enjoy every moment he would see him before finally being confined to the hospital once again.

As for Scaramouche he would see the man three days before the big competition, then dissapear. The tickets were being sold once more and was easily ran out in just a day. Before a few hours of the big competition Scaramouche was getting ready at the back stage nervous as he is. The moment his contestant number got called he wonders if his want will ever be fufilled after this competition.

"I want to learn what love really means, can I ever be loved?" -Raiden Scaramouche

"I want to continue living to give someone my last breath of love to them." -Kaedehara Kazuha

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