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" what's your name again little one? " A man with a pale skin and black hair ask her who's sitting on the oldest lap

" Y-Y/N " She replied gripping Heesung's hand tighter feeling nervous around the seven boys. " Don't look at her like that Niki you're scaring her " The boy named Jay said playufully slapping the youngest arm.

" Where's your parents sunshine? " the boy with pink hair ask her giving a bright smile. She looks down on her lap tearing up remembered how she ended up in the alley. " T-they left me alone in unknown place " She replied sobbing.

Heesung hugs her little figure and calmed her down. " How old are you? " The boy name Jake ask her sweetly. " I-I'm 11 " She said and the boys look at each other. " Well , we can takecare of you princess " Jay said receiving a nod by the others

" H-huh? " She look at him confused. " Since your parents left you for sure you didn't have a place to live. And since our mansion is big you can stay here. Means, we are your guardians now. We will take care of you " Sunghoon the boy with pale skin and blonde beautiful hair explained.

She looks at them and shakes her head. " N-no thankyou...I- " Before she could say anything Heesung already give her a glare. " We are not questioning you wether you like it or not. We told you we're your guardians now doll. We don't like rejection " Heesung said giving the girl a glare making her scared by him.

" O-okay I will stay.... " She replied and Heesung face turned into smiley. " Goodgirl. Now I'm Lee Heesung, 17 and the oldest. That's Park Jongseong or Jay, Sim Jaeyun or Jake and Park Sunghoon, all of them are 16. He's Kim Sunwoo or Sunoo and he's 15. The quite one is Yang Jungwon and that's Nishimura Riki or Niki and they're 14. Remember our name okay little one " Heesung said ruffling the girls hair.


This is what happened 8 years ago. Now all of them already grow up and matured. The boys taking care of her very well. They become protective towards her and always give her a punishment if she ever done something wrong. Yn also know that the seven of them has a little problem with their mental health since she's 14. She always saw them going out in the middle of the night wearing all black and come back with uncomfortable smell around them. When she asked them they'll told her they just relieving their stress. Yn become aware that she lived with a psychopath. Run? Hell no. Like she can run away from them


< Present >

" Doll wake up " Heesung waking up the girl who is still sleeping soundly hugging a pillow. He chuckled at her cuteness. She never changed

" Doll if you don't wake up I swear I'll sent the 02z to wake you up " Heesung said standing up from her bed and the girls started to move. " Oppaaa okay fine I'm up " She replied with her eyes half opened and her messy hair.

Heesung laugh at her cute figure and give her a peck on her lips. It's a normal things to her since they always do that to her. She felt comfortable and didn't complained about it.

" Come on doll let's have a breakfast. Your teacher will come in 30 minutes " Yes she's homeschooled. They didn't want to take any risk on letting her go to the normal school. At first she's always argued with them about it telling them she'll not have friends if she homeschooled blah blah blah but in the end 🤷🏻‍♀️

" Okay oppa " She said making her bed and went to the bathroom. Heesung shakes his head looking at the girls figure who disappeared to the bathroom. " My beautiful doll. I'm such a genius taking you that day " He said to himself chuckling and went outside the room

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