they heard the door creak

"Sherlock, come on " a voice came from behind the locked door

Both sherlock and william breathed a sigh of relief

"It's just John" sherlock explained


"IM GETTING UP ALLRIGH "  he yelled back as he got up, quickly puting on all his clothes

"Sorry liam.. i forgot i was supossed to be at work early today"

"It's fine sherly..we can finish this another time then"

Sherlock noded

"Is john an officer now?"

"Oh no, he has to be early to classes today so I ask him to walk to work with me"

"Well good luck today, can you say thank you to John from me"

"I will" he said before kissing William goodbye


"Im coming, jesus"

With that sherlock quickly unlocked the door and walked out

William was left alone almost fully naked in sherlocks bed

He burried his face in sherlocks pillow, taking in his scent, already missing him

He fell asleep for another 10minutes, he got up slowly, lazily putting his clothes on.

After he got dressed, he started cleaning up

Firstly he got all the clotes up from the floor, sherlocks sleep shirts and pants, his own(they where really sherlocks, but for that night they where his), he neatly folded all his clotes and placed them in sherlocks wardrobe

After that he made his bed, cleaned sherlocks desk a bit. Sherlock had a messy room, in sherlocks eyes it was a organized mess so he didn't do much

He took a final look at the room before leaving

William made it home, Albert greated him as he walked in

"Hey there William, where have you been"

"Oh, i've slept over at sherlocks house"

"Allrigh, did you sleep well"

"As well as I chould "

"Oh William youre finally home" Luis said as he walked out from the kitchen

William nodded, sitting down

"Are you hungry "

"I am"

"Im making eggs"

"Sounds good"

He was taking his coat off when he realized his scarf is missing

"What's the matter?"

"I think I left my scarf in sherlocks room"

"Oh well you'll get it back soon enough " Alber reassured William


" 'John lets walk togheter in the morning it'll be fun, you wont be late ' you said and then you slept in" John exclaimed

"Im sorry"

"Whathever "

"I'll make it up to you..Um lets go out today after I finish work and you finish with your classes"

"Allrigh fine, but don't forget about it!"

"I wont, I haven't had time to spend with you recently i feel bad" sherlock said realizing he's been spending every second of his free time with William

"Well, I hadn't really had the time eather, since im graduating this year" John explained " by the way is that a new scarf " he said as he pointed it out

"Hm?" Sherlock didn't even realize he had a scarf until john pointed it out

He looked down and realies he accidentally took Williams scarf

He didn't know when'd be able to return it, since he will work late tonight and then he will meet up with john tonight, and he can't cancel plans with john, he'd known john way longer it's simply not fair to john

It's a scarf after all, it's not like he took his organ out, William will live to see another day even widouth his scarf

"Sherlock?" John brought Sherlock back to reality

They where infront of sherlocks work place, John had to continue walking down the road to get to his collage

"Oh sorry John"

"You've been out of it latley "

"I know, i'll tell you about it, well I might not, but maybe" he lifted up his finger

"Yeah okay, do we meet up at the bar"

"Sounds good"

"See you soon sherlock "

"See ya"


Sherlocks face turned red as he put Williams scarf oround his neck, he wraped it oround a few times, it had Williams scent

He left his work place in a hurry to meet up with john

"Hey sherlock!" John greated him as he walked in


They ordered bears, neather of them liked to drink and they didin't do it often.

"So whats been going on with you recently?"

"You wouldn't belive me" sherlock said dramatically "but I fell in love"

John was shocked

"You? With who? When? Where? HOW"

"That's a lot of questions"

"Is it your soulmate, the girl fro-"

"No no, it's not her i was mistaken "



"So who is it? Im dying to know"

"I can't tell you that"

"Come on!"


"Sherlock, i've known you for so long, tell me already "

Sherlock sat there, not knowing if he should say something or not. John was his closest friend, but what if he starts hating him after he finds out. No thats not john, he wouldn't

"I can tell you about the pearson "

"Allrigh "

"You know her" he said drawing atencion to the pronose her " she has blond hair, she loves math, and she has red eyes"

John isin't an idiot, it took him a minute but he understud

"Oh, OH"


"So you like hi- her"

"Yeas a lot atcually "

"Hm, well be cearfull "

"He also said thank you" sherlock wispered in to johns ear

Suprisingly sherlock remembered to say Williams thanks

"It's no problem really "

"You know, im glad I told you this, but you can't tell anyone, NO ONE, you hear me"

"Loud and clear"


After a long time of chatching up with john, sherlock came home to his bedroom expecting it to look how it always does, but when he opend the door the room was clean, well not completely clean. Just the way he likes it

He sat down and smiled to himself

He wanted to kiss William right than and there, but he chouldn't, so instead he snuggled his face in his scarf, taking in his scent.


Happy Easter to everyone who celebreates!!!!

Infinity of Your Love / SherliamWhere stories live. Discover now