Blazing Strength

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"I-it's me, Lefiya! I've arrived as requested!"

"Come on in." Finn's muffled voice answered.

Lefiya pushed the large wooden doors open and stepped into Finn's office. Her heart began to beat faster and faster when she saw all of the Familia executives in the room, with Ais standing to the side.

"You can relax, Lefiya. No need to look so tense." Finn chuckled.

"I-I'm sorry!" Lefiya apologized. "So, you wanted to ask me something?"

Finn nodded. "Ais along with Tiona and Tione told me what happened in the Eighteenth Floor. About the Creature that had attacked you and Ais, and the strange orb she was looking for. But, I wanted to hear your thoughts on this Muramasa person."

"Muramasa?" Lefiya mouthed. 

"More specifically, what you thought of him. I still find it rather suspicious that a Level 1 made it down to the Eighteenth Floor all by himself, and on the day Hasharna was murdered nonetheless. Still, I want to listen to everyone's stories before making any preemptive judgements."

Lefiya gripped the hems of her skirt as she gathered her thoughts. What exactly did she think about Muramasa? Despite having the appearance of a man not that many years older than her, he spoke and acted like a grumpy grandpa. Yet, he constantly threw himself into battles just to protect people from a different Familia. Even if he was hiding his Level, she didn't see him as an enemy. He was someone enigmatic for sure. But not someone who would do evil to harm others.

"He saved me during Monsterphilia, and protected a child. Even when we didn't know each other, he willingly battled those monsters despite me being from a rival Familia. I've never heard of a magic that allows someone to create swords out of thin air, but I don't think he's a bad person." Lefiya answered.

"I see..." Finn mumbled. "Then, what about you, Ais?"

The Sword Princess blinked in surprise. "Me?"

"More specifically, I want you to tell me about his combat capabilities." Finn added.

"Muramasa was strong. Very strong. Those were not the movements and skills of a Level 1. He managed to keep up with that woman and broke a large boulder with just one swing of his sword. His fighting style was rough and dangerous. But he still managed to hold his own. I find it very had to believe that he's just Level 1." Ais explained.

She could still remember it clear as day. Calling Muramasa's technique while righting that woman 'reckless' was selling it extremely short. 'Suicidal' was probably the right term. Through their quick exchanges, she clearly saw that Muramasa had been purposely making openings for his opponent to exploit, and then quickly counter her attempts by blocking them. It was a fighting style no sane person would use. Ais would never use that kind of style against any foe due to its high risk nature. But if used against a superior opponent, it would surely grant the user an edge.

"...But I don't think he's an enemy." Ais finished.

"He said that to us too. Well, if you, Lefiya, Tione and Tiona vouch for him, then I'll believe in him. It wouldn't be fair to him after he's helped us." Finn said. "You and Ais can leave."

The two girls nodded and exited the office. When they were gone, Finn leaned on his desk with his face scrunched up into a frown.

"Guess those two haven't seen Muramasa copying Ais' sword," Gareth mumbled, stroking his chin. "I never thought that there existed a magic that could create copies of swords. Guess you can live long enough to see something like that."

"What worries me is that according to Tiona and Tione, he managed to make it implode despite that sword possessing the Durandal trait and kill that monster in one blow. If that is true, could he make copies of magic swords?" Riveria pondered

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