I Can Hear the Bells Ringing (Pt. 1)

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"Everyone! Hellhounds approaching!" Lily warned.

"Hellhounds...so we've finally encountered them!" Bell exclaimed.

The rapid footsteps of the aforementioned monsters drew the party's attention. Three black dogs were quickly rushing towards them with sparks flying out of their mouths. Bell ducked down low to the ground to dodge the first monster and sliced upwards with the Hestia Knife and and used the small shield on his left arm to block another's attempt to bite him. That small opening allowed Welf to rush in and finish the monster off with one swing of his broadsword.

"Look out!" Lili yelled.

"Tch!" Bell spun around and noticed that the remaining Hellhound had fired an enormous blast of fire at him and Welf. Even after Artoria had bashed the monster's head in with her staff, the fireball continued to travel to the exposed pair. 

"Trace On!"

A red and white blur rush in and slashed the attack in half with a katana, dispersing the fire into two halves safely away from Bell and Welf.

"Phew, thanks for the save!" Welf chuckled.

"Glad to see that you're in high spirits..." Muramasa grumbled. "Eina made the right call, telling us to get some Salamander Wool for these floors."

"As expected of a spirit's cloth. Lili never imagined that she would ever be able to wear it. Lili will take good care of it." Lili noted.

Everyone in the team except for Muramasa was wearing a red cloak over their regular gear. Artoria especially seemed to enjoy the wool quite a bit, frequently spinning around with glee so that her cape would billow out. The guild advisor had recommended the Salamander Wool to counteract the Hellhounds. 

"Wasn't this quite expensive? How much was it for four people?" Welf asked.

"I managed to get a discount, so it wasn't too bad." Bell said. He remembered that the total amount went up to five zeroes, but thanks to Muramasa's earnings from the Loki Familia's expedition, they were more than able afford equipping everyone with the wool.

"Man, this stuff is good enough to put High Smiths to shame. You sure you don't need this? Muramasa?" Welf asked.

The blacksmith simply smirked at Welf's question. "I designed my current clothes to be able to withstand the heat from my forge. It'll take a lot more than some monster's fire to even leave a mark."

"If you say so."

"Look! More monsters!" Artoria exclaimed.

Muramasa noticed something white flash by in the corner of his eye. He promptly turned around to face the threat, only to see a singular white rabbit staring back at him with its beady red eyes. It eyed the blacksmith before tilting its head.

"A white...rabbit...?" Bell muttered.

"It kinda reminds me of someone..." Muramasa added.

White fur, small, cute, and red eyes. It definitely resembled someone everyone in the current party knew.

"It's Bell!" Artoria shouted.

"Huh?! It's not! those are Al Miraj!" the white-haired adventurer shouted in protest.

"So our opponent is Bell...this is going to be tough!" Welf yelled.

"Damn, to think I'd have to fight Bell!" Muramasa growled.

"Look out! Master Bell is attacking!" Lily warned when the monster leaped towards them.

"Please focus!" Bell begged.

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