4- first attack

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Chad knocks on the door and Tara opens it and peeks her head out. I don't think Tara expected me to come since she looked surprised

"Hey guys," she says opening the door more

"where's Ethan?" Chad's sister, Mindy, asks she then laughs "he's probably the killer."

"Ethan? No he couldn't be ghostface. He wouldn't do that to me," I argue "he wouldn't" I say trying to convince myself

"Don't listen to her, she did this last time," Chad nudges me "and was wrong!" He says a little louder to make sure she heard, she turns and flips him off

Anika looks at me then walks to the kitchen, I follow her

"What was the look for?" I ask

"You and Ethan." She smiles and so do I "anything going on there?"

"We've made out a couple times and this Morning asked me to be his girlfriend." I smile

"God I hope Mindy's wrong," she looks at the girl arguing with her brother "you deserve to be happy." She turns back to me

"Aw thank A." I smile at her, she hugs me

"I've missed you." She whispers

"She's right you know," I pull away and turn around seeing Sam grabbing a cup. "You deserve to be happy with everything you've been through."

"Did you tell her about the girls from our old school?" Anika asks, I shake my head. "These girls tried to kill her bc of her dad!" Anika says frustrated

"It's unbelievable what people would do to us because of other people," sam says about to leave when Sam's phone rings, Tara picks it up and sees its the neighbor they make some jokes then sam takes her phone and doesn't answer, then Sam, Mindy, Tara, and Sam's phones ding. I go look at Sam's phone and when we look we see a picture of their roommate Quinn getting attacked by ghostface

We hear her scream then it goes silent

"Run." Mindy says before the door opens and Quinn gets pushed out onto Anika, I pull Quinn off of her then she screams, she gets up. Mindy pushes ghostface away from her but then he slashes her arm. Mindy fall then I get in the way. Ghostface pushes me out of the way then starts chocking Anika , he pushes her onto the wall and stabs her in the stomach

"Anika!" I scream

"Hey!" Sam yells before hitting ghostface in the head with a pan. We go in the bedroom and lock the door. Ghostface bangs on the door then stops "mindy! The bathroom!" I yell, she goes in there and see a guy in the tub then when ghostface stops her from opening the door so she comes into the bedroom and closes that door, I help her move a dresser in front of the door but ghostface keeps pushing it.

Sam opens the window and looks down. She started talking to the neighbor, he puts a ladder between the two windows and Sam starts to climb out

"Anika! Come on! Sam yells shortly after

"Ella go." Anika says on the bed

"What? No not until you're safe."

"Go!" She demands, i look at Mindy and she nods. I go to the window and start to climb out when i moves, I yell

"Ella, it's ok. Don't look down." Sam says reaching her hand out, I get closer and grab her hand and she pulls me in the room

"Anika come on! It's your turn!" I yell. After a minute I see Mindy kiss Anika the Mindy starts climbing over

"I'll be right behind her!" She reassures me. Mindy gets over and Anika starts climbing, she starts to cry "I don't want to die." She cries. I see ghostface behind her in the window put his knife down

"Anika! Hurry!" I yell

"Anika!" Mindy yells. Ghostface grabs the ladder and starts shaking it, causing Anika to cry harder. I stick my arm out

"Anika! Grab my hand!" I shout, she tries but is to far she starts getting closer and she grabs my hand then ghostface turns the ladder sideways,

"You deserve to be happy." Anika cries.Anika's about to fall so I squeeze her hand tighter. But then it happened... she fell, I look down and see her body laying on the ground in a pool of blood.

I look back up and look at ghostface, he grabs the knife and leaves

"Ella we need to go!" Mindy shouts pulling me away

The next morning

I was sitting in a ambulance with everyone when we all see Ethan duck under the caution tape. Chad gets up and goes up to him and slams him on a car, I run over

"Where the hell were you!" He shouts in his face

"I- I had Econ! You know that!" Ethan says

"Chad, I had a friend that went to Econ as well, I'll call her and confirm it." I put my hand on Chad shoulder. He looks at me then at Ethan then walks away. Ethan looks in the alley and sees Anika's body bag

"What- who?" He asked turning towards me. I looked at the alley

"Anika." I mumble, Ethan pulls me in and hugs me

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, Ella" He whispers. I pull away, remembering what Mindy said last night

"I need to make that call." I say before walking away, I pull my phone out and dial my friend. After a couple rings she answers

"Hey girl!" She says

"Hey, you know Ethan Landry, right?" I ask

"Oh yea! He's in a couple of my classes, why?"

"Was he at Econ last night?" I ask

"Oh yea. But he left early." I hang up, I walk over to the group. "I just got off the phone, he was there." I look at Chad who's sharing a blanket with Tara. "Where's Sam?" I look around. Mindy points to her and she's smoking a cigarette

I walk over to her. "Can I get one ?" I ask, she looks at me and hands it to me

"I'm sorry about Anika." She looks down, I place the cigarette in between my lips and inhale, then I exhale

"So am I." I hand her it back then look through the fence to the crime scene. I turn and walk to Ethan. Trying to stay calm

"Hey," he said

"Look at me."

"Okay?" He looks me in the eyes

"Why'd you leave Econ early?"

"What? Who said that?"

"Just tell me Ethan, it's me, I'm on your side."

"I had Econ." He raises his voice a little "I left because I got a call about what happened."

"It wasn't you." I look away.

I disgust myself, why the Fuck would it be him. Mindy is wrong, it's not him.

"You think I'm ghostface!" He yells

"No! I know you wouldn't do that to me. You promised me you'd protect me. I just wanted to know." I look down "I'm sorry."

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