Act 1 - Beetles, Boba, and Blood

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I'm not from this place, but I've ended up in a world called Teyvat. How? I have no fucking idea, I was just sitting at home one day and all the sudden- I was here. Rudely enough, whatever brought me here decided to launch me into a lake, but that was a while ago now. I've made a few friends in my time here, especially in the countries of Liyue and Monstadt. The country to the east, Inazuma, had opened up its borders after being closed for a long time before I arrived. After those borders opened, I made friends there as well.

I'm on my way to meet one now actually. Ayato Kamisato, a young man, a couple years older than me. He's got light blue hair and a beauty mark on the left of his bottom lip. He's a bit taller than me, but not by much. He travels with his own katana, which he carries with him at all times. A boba lover at heart, surprisingly, given his elegance and nobility. As I walk through the main streets, I see Inazuman citizens doing their own things. A man selling soba, children playing, and people selling all sorts of small trinkets.

I open my map, looking at it so I can find his house, the Kamisato estate, when I bump into someone. Their large frame knocks me onto the ground, given I was too engrossed in the map to be looking where I was going. I feel instant regret as my ass hits the pavement.

"Ah! I'm sorry!" I say, scrambling to stand up.

I look up to the person, a man, of course. He's much taller and muscular than me, with long white hair with red tips. He has two red horns that stick out of his head, with red markings across his body. He wears a spiked collar with matching spiked bracelets.

This is just perfect isn't it, out of all guys, why bump into the most intimidating looking one? I'm probably gonna be pulverized now.

"I was looking at my map and didn't see you," I mutter.

I anxiously avoid eye contact, I'm not at all a fighter. In fact, despite the time I've been here I've never learned anything about battle even though all these people have powers of their own.

The man looks down on me, "And who are you?"

"I-I'm Levi, I just got here-" I start.

He towers over me, his blazing orange eyes staring down at me. It's one of my first times in Inazuma and I'm already causing trouble.

"Levi..." He repeats to himself, raising his finger to his chin, as if he's thinking.

"Ooh! You're that traveler everyone's been talkin' about, huh?" He asks, smiling.

"Well, I'm not exactly someone-" I start, before he cuts me off.

"You're that guy who Ayato knows!"

I nod, "Y-Yeah."

Well, his personality turned on a dime, he was so intimidating a few seconds ago. Now he just seems like your stereotypical extrovert.

"Well, you're in the right place,"

He smiles, extending his hand to help me up.

"I'm Ayato's bestie, I'll take you to his place."

I grab his hand and he hoists me to my feet.

"Thank you...what's your name?"

"Itto. Arataki Itto. A.k.a, The Crimson Oni, Arataki 'numero uno' Itto, leader of the Arataki gang!"

He's a bit of a show off, but I've heard Ayato talk about this guy before. An Oni, a species of yokai, I guess that explains the horns.

"Leader? That's pretty impressive."

"Yeah, well, you ain't seen nothing yet. I'm one of the best beetle fighters around too, y'know." He boasts.

"Well, I don't doubt it. I've never met anyone like you before. I'm sure Ayato loves your company."

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