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2 Months Later

Saturday, September 17th

Malibu, CA

"God, I needed this!" Kelly exhaled expressing a deep appreciation for the view outside of the Airbnb we occupied for the weekend

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"God, I needed this!" Kelly exhaled expressing a deep appreciation for the view outside of the Airbnb we occupied for the weekend. "More than you know...."

Just a few inches away, she sat curled up knees to chest sipping on a fresh brewed cup of coffee.

Her last comment caused some concern in my mind but before I could address it, she was going on.

"Jay really outdid himself with this place. I wonder if we can extend our stay? Three days might not be enough.." She joked.

The waves in the water created a tranquil rhythm against the rocks below us, there wasn't a cloud in sight, and the weather was the perfect temperature this morning stuck around 68 degrees for the next few hours. I could definitely get behind her on that notion and stay a little longer if possible. The combination of this serene atmosphere and the carb-heavy breakfast we just ate was about to put my ass right back to sleep.

"It is beautiful...." The corners of my mouth curved into a smile at the mention of Jay and his generous ways.

As if a week long bae-cation to the Maldives for my birthday wasn't enough, he took it upon himself to also surprise me with a staycation including Kelly. We've been struggling to get together for months now. With life and our schedules continuously overlapping, plans of us actually linking up outside of FaceTime just kept getting pushed back.

Work was finally on pause for me at the moment and I was taking advantage of every little second I had off. Tarja ended up giving birth a couple of weeks ago and was on maternity leave for the next few months. Granting Jay's wishes, I was slowing down as well with a lighter work load. We only had small events booked in the near future and Chloe was confident enough at this point to execute those by herself in person.

Time was flying by fast and I was already near the end of my second trimester.

A little while back, Jay and I found out the sex of the baby and to be honest, it didn't go as expected. My intuition was usually spot on so you can only imagine the confusion I felt when the doctor told us we were having a girl. The dreams I had in which I thought featured a little boy could've very well been one of the innocent souls I carried in my womb before her... but we'll never know.

Either way, I was happy babygirl was healthy and Jay got exactly what he wanted.

A little over 24 hours ago, my weekend plans consisted of converting one of the guest rooms into a nursery, not relaxing in some luxurious Malibu beach house with my long distance best-friend thanks to him.

"I still can't believe y'all managed to surprise me. You know I hate surprises..."

"You just don't like things being out of your control!" Kelly stated and set her now empty mug down.

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