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Charlotte's Point Of View

"Would you please clean up your hockey gear!?" I shout to Trevor 

"It's right outside my room and it smells nasty!" I shout 

"Give me a second was just about to play mario cart with the with the Hughes." Trevor walks up stairs 

"Just clean it up and then you'll be fine." I say shaking my head


Trevor's gone to our neighbors, the Hughes. We know them since we have been little probably because they are our neighbors. There is Quinn, Luke And Jack. 

You could say me and Jack don't like each other only because we make fun of each other. Pretty much only Jack though.

Luke is my best friend. He's always been my best friend. Maybe because we're just both funny. Or we just like talking about drama. But we're best friends. 

Quinn he's chill but I'm not really that close with him. He's getting drafted for hockey this year. All the Hughes plus my brother play hockey. I don't. I used to do figure skating. That ended awfully.

I was so close to making it to regionals until my final showdown I fell.  Making a gigantic out of myself. Stepped off the ice for good and started going on the turf. For lacrosse. All the Hughes in my brother do lacrosse. 


I go outside and play around on the grass with my lacrosse stick cradling it back and fourth. I decide that I was going to check on the boys only because I was bored and Luca my dog didn't want to play today. 

I open the door of their house. That's a major security issue. But, I walk in and greet Obie, their dog. I hear yelling from the basement so I assume they are down there. 

I walk down the stairs to their huge basement, which Jack likes to call it "The Bro Cave". 

"Hey." I say and everyone's head turned 

"Party's over!" Jack exclaimed 

"Amen." Trevor laughed 

"Charlotte!" Luke smiled 

"Come play with us, we need a fourth player." Luke says 

"No Luke, we will just ask Quinn." Jack smirked 

"Y know what? I'm gonna stay." I say sitting next to Luke

"Yay!" Luke says handing me the controller


We play for a bit and the boys start into a conversation about hockey and such. 

"We have practice tonight." Jack says 

"I know I hyped." Trevor smiles 

"Tonight is going to be so fun, first practice of the year." Jack smiles 

"Coach better not go too hard on us like last years first practice." Luke says 

"I know, for some reason he was just so pissed." Trevor agreed 

They all talked and then Jack looked at me. 

"Your should get back on the ice Z. Such wasted potential." He says 

"Why do you care so much? Its not like you gave any fucks!" I say 

"I hate wasted potential." Jack shook is head 


Jack was right. And that is something that I don't say often but it was true. I was crazy good at figure skating and everyone loved me out there. Even after my fall. But I've been to scared that I would fall again and embarrass myself.


"Y know what, I might watch you guys at practice tonight and see if I miss the ice. But if it gives me bad memories Ill go home." I say

They all nod their head and we all agree that it was best to leave so the boys could get something in their stomach and leave for hockey. 

Trevor and I left the house and I picked up my stick as we went back inside our house. 

Our parents are usually never home. Only because of how many conferences they go on because of their job. Sometimes I miss them because its hard doing all the work. But other times it seems like freedom.

But that means every night is take out or I make pasta. But tonight is pasta. 

I start the stove and boil hot water and work on the pasta. After I finish making the pasta I call down Trevor to dig in and eat so he doesn't do go hockey on an empty stomach. I eat with him too.

Sometimes it feels like I'm the mom of this house. It may be the dirty hockey gear on the floor or to tell Trevor to eat and stay hydrated. Its pretty much my life.

When Trevor is done he watches TV. 

I go upstairs and decide to try to wear something comfortable if I were to figure skate today. I start with a long sleeved white shirt and double on the white shirt. I put on black flair leggings and my Lulu lemon define jacket on. I zipper down my jacket a bit and place my initial necklace on my neck. I put on Nike socks and Ugh slip on slippers.

I go to the back of my closet where I keep my junk. Then I come across my figure skates in a tiny silk bag my mother had gave me. I grab the skates and bag carefully so I don't break it.

I walk downstairs with memories filling through my body while holding these skates. I smile at Trevor who is lazily watching the Devils game. I check the time and we have time. I sit next to him. He throws the blanket on top of us. We chat for a while until I realize what time it is. 

We are riding with the Hughes today. Quinn was already backing up out of the garage as they see us. They go on the road and they stop for us. We hop in and I sit next to Luke. We all chat for a while until we realize that we make it. I remember these rings like the back of my hands. I sigh cause I'm nervous. All the memories fill back in.


Hey guys. I'm glad I'm writing another book. And I'm happy that I'm writing again because I truly enjoy this. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Sorry if it was a little bland it's just the beginning. I will try to be updating at least everyday but that's probably not gonna happen. Maybe once every week. I do have spring break soon so maybe I have a break. But thank you so much for clicking on the story. I'm glad to be back and writing. 

Thank you. ❤

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