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Charlotte Point Of View

My stomach churned hoping that I don't see anyone I know. Quinn unlocks the door and we all step out of the car. Luke looks at me and I stay behind the boys. Luke walks with me. Quinn, Trevor and Jack go into the rink and Luke and I stay back. 

"I know your scared but we all are here for you, just be careful and try. You will be alone and no one will be judging you. So just try." Luke says with a reassuring smile 

"Thank you Luke." I smile 

We walk in the rink and many boys are roaming around the rink. I look to my left and remember the hot chocolate I would always get after practices. Maybe there are some good memories.

I wave them goodbye and I see the rink to my left. The empty rink. Just for me. Just like the old days.

I open the door to the rink and I walk in. Memories are still creeping in on me. I sit down at the bench where I would always sit. I take my Uggs off and do the thing I would never think of doing. I push my figure skates in and tie them. 

I haven't done that in a year. I carefully walk to the ice and feel my skates touch the ice. For some reason I don't fell mad or nervous. I smile and start skating around. I skate in circles around the tiny rink. After twenty minutes I get more used to it and I start doing figure eights. I flow with my body with no absolute care in the world. 

I play around until I know what I had to do. Jump into a spin. An axel. I'm not here to just play around. Go big or go home and I have no way of getting home yet. 

I breath up and down being careful. I leap. I jump. I spin. And then I land perfect..

Holy shit. I faced my fricking fear. 

In the corner of my eye at the door I see someone walking away. Someone who watched me do that. Out of pure curiosity I quickly jog to sew who it was. I open the door and try to make out who it was but I just missed him. Strange.

I decided that it was enough skating today especially after what I completed. I put my Uggs back on and put my figure skates in the tiny silk bag. I walk outside and open the door to the hockey rink. All the boys were playing. I quickly make it up to the bleachers and watch the boys play. 

Luke notices me and and gets my brother to notice me. They both wave and I wave back. I continue to watch them play.

Jack Point Of View 

I finally got make break after conditioning and I forgot my water meaning that I would have to buy some from the bar. I walk outside and notice that Charlotte was twirling and spinning on the ice. It looks like she took my advice. I notice her stop and breathe. He runs into a jump and spins. Her face lit up. I was so happy for her. She faced her fear. Then it seemed notice me. I quickly run back hoping she didn't. I let that moment pass as I'm back on the ice. 

Charlotte's point of view

I hear yelling and screaming all round the ice.

'Pass me the puck'

'Stop being a ball hog!' 

I rolled my eyes as the stands for packed with brothers, sisters and parents were here to pick up their kids.

It was finally time to go and of course we were the last to leave because Trevs lazy ass. We all meet in the middle and we wait for Trevor and Jack. 

I decided to go get hot chocolate. I walk up to the bar and a tall brunette boy comes walking out. He gives me a warm smile. I smile back.

"I'm Mark" He smiles.

"Hi I'm Charlotte," I say.  

"What would you like?" He asks me

 "Just a hot chocolate," I ask.

"It will be out shortly," He smiles 

"How much will that be?" I ask grabbing my wallet.

"Its free, only for you." He points to me.

"No, no I can't take that," I say. 

"Please just take it," He hands it to me

"Thank you Alex." I say.

"It was nice meeting you," Alex waved. 

I walk to the table we were sitting at and everyone was back. 

"He definitely likes you," Trevor says as we walk out. I

"I don't know. He's cute though," I blush.

I take a sip of the steamy hot chocolate and notice what was on the front of the cup. It read, 

text me,



I show it to Luke and we chatted and chatted on about Alex all the way home. Jack was surprisingly quiet during the car ride thinking about something. 

We make it back and Luke and I decided that we were going to have a sleepover and Quinn, Jack and Trevor were going to have one as well.

Luke and I make popcorn because we are going to watch The Mighty Ducks. Luke's favorite movie. The other boys decided that they were going to tar along and watch the movie. 

Luke and I sat next to each other and shared a blanket. At the end Quinn was sitting alone. On the floor was Trevor and Jack, who still has been of my quiet. 

The movie started but I really need a drink.

"I'm parched, I'm going to get some water," I say. 

I walk into the kitchen and surprisingly Jack followed. He looked at me and took a cup. He must be thirsty too. He opened his mouth like he was going to speak then just stopped. 

"I knew you could do it, no more waisted potential." Jack said.

He left me standing there for a good solid minute even though he left. Jack Hughes watched me preform the stunt. Holy shit. That's who I saw in the corner of my eye. Jack Hughes. 

I drink a sip of my water and sit back down next to Luke. Jack on the other hand looked like nothing just happened. I sigh and we finish the movie. Luke and I decided that we were going to get out the blow up mattress and sleep in the TV room.

We talk and talk until we both fall asleep...


Hello everyone! Thank you for making it to the end of this chapter! Thank you so much for reading this book! Currently I'm working on another book so my updating schedule will be wonky. I'm sorry for that. I hope you are drinking enough and I hope you have a good night or good day! I love you guys so much!!

WORDS// 1130

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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