XV - Connection

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When they walked down the spiral stairs, Professor Fig was astonished this had been beneath Hogwarts all the time.

The Professor had returned from London on Professor Black's behalf, so it was finally time to show the Map Chamber Benedict had discovered after hunting down the pages in the Forbidden Forest.

"To think this was beneath us all this time.." Professor Fig mentioned breathless.

Benedict nodded, but didn't say anything. Not until a pedestal started to glow and was also noticed by Professor Fig.

"I suppose this should be placed here," referring to the book.

Carefully, the book was placed on the pedestal and almost immediately, it started to glow brightly, releasing magic both men hadn't seen before.

The magic shot down and revealed a starry sky in the floor. Benedicts mouth fell open. This was more incredible than he could imagine. Professor Fig descended the stairs and set foot on the floor before Benedict followed.

When Benedict stepped on the floor, he finally saw why this room was named 'The Map Chamber'. In the stars, he was able to see Hogwarts, Hogsmeade and all mountains that surrounded the castle.

When Benedict looked up, he saw Professor Fig tearing up.

"If only you were here to see this.."

Benedict sighed. Miriam was right. Miriam had been right all along..

When Benedict turned around, he saw Professor Rackham appearing from his portrait.

"Professor Rackham," Benedict said when he walked upon the portrait.

"It is good to see you, Mr. Ambers. Do you understand why you needed the book?"

Benedict nodded. "I see, Professor." Next, he turned to Professor Fig. "Professor Rackham, this is my mentor Professor Fig. His wife came into posession of the Portkey that led us to Gringotts."

Professor Rackham nodded. "A pleasure to meet you, Professor Fig."

Professor Rackham went on: "That you've come this far Benedict, tells me you posess an extraorndinary magical ability. But to understand what lies ahead, you must prove yourself worthy. This power and potential must be kept between those who are responsible enough to keep it safe."

The fact he ended up here was not enough apparently. It made Benedict let out a quick sigh.

"You will need to complete four trials that will appear on the map when the time is right. These will test you - and give you access to invaluable knowledge once you complete them. You will need to complete these on your own. Professor Fig is able to help you locate the trials, but he cannot guide you during the challenges you will face."

He shared a quick look with Professor Fig. Professor Fig knew he was insecure about himself, about his magic. He had no time however to wonder about it.

"Do you remember the memory we showed you in Gringotts?"

Benedict looked up to Professor Rackham. "I do," he started. "You created the room the pensieve was in. Talked about the trials and the Portkey."

Professor Rackham nodded. "Precisely. You also saw Charles, another one of the Keepers. We are designated to keep this magic protected and secret, so it will not fall into the wrong hands. These trials are designed to test your abilities, both innate and learned. Everything you witness during the trials will inform what you choose to do with all that we share. In time, the trials will learn you everything you need to know. Be patient."

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